The use of pesticides causes obesity and diabetes: the shock of French researchers


The use of pesticides in agriculture eventually enters the food chain, resulting in an increase in diseases such as diabetes and obesity. It is becoming increasingly difficult not to see the correlations between the abundant use of these chemical synthesis molecules selected to fight pests in agriculture. The latest alert is contained in a monumental study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives and conducted by French researchers from the Nazoinal Institute for Agronomic Research and the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm ) that demonstrate the tests performed in the laboratories. Rodents exposed to a diet of vegetables and vegetables grown with the six most used pesticides experienced a large increase in body fat and diabetes. According to French research institutes, it is the first time that the effects of obesity and diabetes are highlighted. There seems to be little doubt about the damage done. "These studies have allowed us to highlight the causal link between the population's exposure to pesticides and metabolic risks," said Laurence Payrastre, one of the researchers, interviewed by the newspaper Le Monde who also notes that diabetes has increased exponentially in all countries. Research conducted by EFSA, the European Food Safety Agency, on the badessment of the effects of pesticides on the thyroid and nervous system should be published in the year.

Recently, the question of the links between pesticides and diseases has been at the center of a deepening at the same time in Fnsi, the Federation of the Italian national press and the Gregorian. One of the speakers, Antonella Litta, general practitioner, specialist in rheumatology, national referent of the Italian Association of Environmental Doctors – Isde (International Society of Physicians for the Environment), said that since the beginning in the last 50 years of industrial history has released into the environment more than one hundred thousand chemical synthesis substances (various types of plastics and their components, pesticides, flame retardants, dioxins, etc. .), molecules generated by the burning of oil, coal, methane and the incineration of waste. many other industrial activities), in addition to having made available large amounts of heavy metals, ionizing energy and increased exposure to electromagnetic fields. "These substances and energies have been found to have toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine interferences able to mimic the action of the hormones naturally produced by our organism and thus to replace them in their function of physiological regulation of metabolisms and thus of promote diseases, in steep increase such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, immune-mediated diseases, disorders of the neuroendocrine sphere, infertility, genitourinary and badual development disorders in children and girls. "

Not only did Litta denounce the fact that fetal and preconceptional exposure is the most worrying, because in umbilical cords" we detect environmental pollutants such as pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, Industrial chemicals that go beyond the placental barrier and interfere with us call the fetal programming actually by sprogramming, thus altering the life and healthy life project begun with the design of each human being in his uniqueness.

Sunday, July 1, 2018, 12:53 – Updated: 01-07-2018 12:55

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