the virus is often asymptomatic


A 77-year-old resident Cento Ferrara Province, was struck by West Nile virus and died. Older people were already suffering from cardiorespiratory problems and following the bite of a mosquito that transmitted the virus died at the Ferrara Cona Hospital. The man had been hospitalized as a result of a fall at Cento Hospital on July 24, but his condition had worsened and a transfer to Cona had been requested, where the various badyzes revealed the presence of a meningoencephalitis of West Nile. The clinical picture of the man is then aggravated, until death

Transmission of the virus

West Nile fever is a disease caused by the West Nile virus (Wnv ), from the family of Flavivirida .

The virus in question is widespread in Europe, Australia, Western Asia and America. The infection can occur through a mosquito belonging to the species Culex . Contact with an infected person [VIDEO] does not create a health hazard ; sources of contagion can also be wild birds and some mammals, especially horses.

Since 2000, cases of West Nile have been reported in horses in Tuscany and since 2008 the first infections in humans have appeared. Other methods of transmission of West Nile virus include blood transfusions, organ transplants and contagion between the mother and the fetus

Symptoms of Nile Fever

In most cases, the virus has no obvious symptoms. In two out of 10 cases, however, there may be fever, headache, vomiting, rash, and nausea.

The symptoms in question may last for a few days or weeks and are highly dependent on the age of the infected person. In the elderly and children, the symptoms may be more severe than normal such as tremors, headaches, convulsions and even coma.

After the bite, the virus may remain in incubation [VIDEO] for a period of 2 to 14 days. To be sure that you are not infected, you must perform the appropriate laboratory test. It is very important to repeat the test more than once before ruling out the possibility of contracting the virus, as the West Nile virus test may be negative after the first 8 days of symptoms. . At the moment, there is no cure, but symptoms should disappear in a few days, except in the most severe cases. The only precaution that can be used is to protect yourself as much as possible from mosquito bites.

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