The weekly horoscope of Paolo Fox: all signs from July 22 to 29



Start a new week. The month of July begins to end, the summer arrives, because many will be days of vacation, relaxation and rest while others will have to wait to be able to disconnect. Paolo Fox with his horoscope advises us on the next seven days where it will be essential to keep some tensions at bay. The advice is not to escape the changes, but to keep these people around us solely for convenience and not out of friendship. It will also be necessary to make order in love.




The week is positive, with individual successes and with the resolution of some controversies. You are optimistic and this will give you the strength to face the difficulties with more dynamism. On the sentimental level, it will be necessary to clarify some somewhat ambiguous situations


You have situations that make you nervous and that you would like to clarify. Unfortunately, however, the hoped-for solutions do not come because others annoy you. This week will be a lot more positive, especially because you will have greater strength that will allow you to tackle the problems and find the best ways to get out of it.


A Week to Make Love Light Recently with your partner you have had misunderstandings or you have been too far away. In the next few days you can ask for and get the confirmations you are looking for and find a healthy relationship.


This week you will have a significant load that will allow you to deal with many complex situations. a lot of attention to those who will try to obstruct you. Interesting week also on the front of relations


The first days of the week will be fundamental, especially because you will be able to remove from your life those who create problems for you. Be careful, because to get results, you will have to change the direction of some of the decisions you made that are unproductive.


Unfortunately, you are nervous, tired and nervous. will affect negatively especially in the first days of the week. But then the second part will be much better, because you will find strength and optimism.


You are tempted to change your life, but by doing so you will have to find a balance and find the right ones. landmarks. The changes appeal to you, but at the same time they worry you. For that you will have to be very careful and advise the right people.


The work will occupy a big part of your week and you will live agitated days. You are also in the mood because many rely on you, but few are willing to help you. You will need a lot of strength to deal with certain tensions.


New opportunities will arise that you will not miss absolutely. You will have the strength to manage the changes that will occur. The advice is to devote more to the family. Do not neglect the affections at work


You will have to face economic problems. Evaluate the costs of certain decisions because embarking on projects that are not too safe could negatively affect your pockets. But you will have the opportunity to recover on the physical plane.


You will be called upon to restore order in your couple as a couple. Some things have changed and there are new problems to face. You will be asked to badume new roles and responsibilities. The first days of the week will help you recover physically.


Prepare to face a week of possible tension because, especially in the work, there will be controversies that will bother you. very. But be optimistic, because in the end you will have won especially on these people who, lately, have complicated the life.

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