Theft of Emilia and Alfonso, Severo asks Irene's hand


The anticipations of the new episodes [VIDEO] of Il Segreto broadcast in the Iberian Peninsula, reveal great developments for the followers of the soap opera. First Emilia and Alfonso will move to Paris with a sweet secret, while Severus will find happiness next to Irene. Ultimately, Saul decides to escape from prison with Prudencio's car

The Secret Advances: Emilia and Alfonso fleeing from Puente Viejo

Fernando Mesia decides to help Emilia and Alfonso to flee far from Puente Viejo. In fact, the couple is likely to end up in prison for General Perez Ayala . The Spanish commander had abused Castaneda and tortured Alfonso to find details about Nicolas Ortuno's escape.

The Castaneda will have no other choice than to escape to Paris, where they hope to rebuild their lives. Raimundo will give his daughter and son-in-law a jewel of Donna Francisca, useful to survive until they arrive in the French capital

Meanwhile, the Castaneda will inform Matias of the departure, embracing the tears to the eyes. Marcela will help Antolina to make friends, to introduce her to Adela and Irene. Meanwhile, Severus and Isaac will leave the house without mentioning it to anyone, while Prudencio will refuse to do anything to save Saul from prison . Prudencio will agree to help his brother after the request of Fernando Mesia

The secret Spanish intrigues: Severo asks the hand of Irene

Viewers of the Iberian soap opera will have to say goodbye to Alfonso and Emilia .

In fact, the couple will leave Puente Viejo after greeting his parents with a heartbreaking hug. Raimundo will monitor the departure of the two innkeepers, while the inspector will inspect the van of Fè in search of the two fugitives. At the hostel will come the news of the success escape of Emilia and Alfonso Castaneda; Marcela and Matias will begin to doubt their future. Subsequently, Prudencio will help Saul to escape from prison. The Uriarte, however, admits to his grandmother and Don Anselmo that Saul intends to escape in the greatest secrecy

During this time Severo Santacruz will tell Irene to have her out of the dark, to propose to to marry him . [VIDEO] The woman will answer yes to Carmelito's father, while Isaac will become the protagonist of a crime, killing a man who has just arrived at Puente Viejo. Emilia confesses to wait a child and Alfonso will badume the responsibility, as he did with Maria and Matias. Recall that to see these episodes on Italian TV screens, it will take several months, because of the time difference between Spain and Italy.

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  • -a-irene [19659017] http: // www / series / el-secret-of-puente-viejo / momentos / emilia-y-alfonso-huyen-of-puente-viejo-with-a-noticia-inesperada_201806135b21481f0cf2bf2f0a8d071c.html http: //www.antena3. com / serial / el-secret-of-puente-viejo / momentos / severo-y-carmelito-a-irene-quieres-casarte-with-nosotros_201806135b2147780cf2ff874fac7201.html

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