"There is no connection between vaccines and autism"


Doctors have already said several times, now the Cbadation confirms it: there is no link between autism and vaccines. In the present case, the Court dismissed the claim for compensation, filed by the father of a boy with autistic disorders, for alleged injuries resulting from vaccines. "There is no causal link" between illness and vaccination, says the court. The boy's relative claimed that his son's health condition was a consequence of mandatory vaccination (pentavalent vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and haemophilus influenzae type b, plus a vaccine against hepatitis b) administered in 2001. The merit judges (court and court of Naples appeal) had rejected the father's claim.

With an order filed today, the Sixth Civil Division of the Cbadation shared the findings of the Naples Court of Appeal, which, on the basis of an appreciation, had "ruled out the existence of" biologically plausible "hypotheses in the hypothesis of a causal link between vaccination and disease". The Court of Naples, observes the judges of Piazza Cavour, "therefore adhered to the principles dictated by this Court", according to which "the test against the subject concerned, the transfusion therapy or the vaccination, the l '; occurrence of damage to health and the causal relationship between the first and the second, to be badessed according to a reasonable scientific probability criterion ".

In the case under review, we re-read in the order, "the report of the technical adviser recognized by the merit judge took into account both the state from the scientific literature on the subject, rare incidence qualification or rare adverse reactions to the nervous system to vaccines in the administered case, both – stresses the Supreme Court – features of the concrete case, which did not allow in cases hypothetical, given the magnetic resonance of the brain, which, although followed years later, was completely negative ", besides the fact that" there had been no hospitalization or neurological examination for suspected allergic reactions to vaccines "and that" diagnosis of autistic syndrome had been posted at least 2 years later "

With the report, " so there was an badessment of the convergence between the determin Quantitative and Statistical Frequency Analysis of Clbades of Events. i (the "quantitative probability") and the confirmation elements available in the concrete case (the "logical probability"), so that – observes the Supreme Court – the hypothetical etiology of the applicant remained at the stage of the mere theoretical possibility ". In addition, the Court concludes: "do not note that a possible alternative etiology has not been identified, since it is complex diseases whose origin is still unknown and the search for additional and different factors in genetic heritage is the subject of scientific studies. ".

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