They eat better, they drink less. Tuscan people are in good health – Thursday 5 July 2018


According to the 2017 report presented by Councilor Saccardi in Florence


The Tuscans are in good health. The average life in the region exceeds the national average, which is already among the highest in the world. In Italy, the Tuscans are those who, in principle, have the best habits. They eat a little better, so much that the problem of obesity does not exist in the area. They drink less alcohol than in the past. But above all, they do a lot of physical activity and sports. The photo is taken from the 2017 report on "Wellness and Health in Tuscany" presented in the morning in Florence by the right to health advisor, Stefania Saccardi. The work is the result of three products made by the Regional Agency of Health, the Tuscany Region and the Laboratory of Management and Health of the School of Studies of Sant? Anna at Pisa.
The report highlights how the Tuscan lifestyles are considered more than healthy. On the health front, advances in the prevention and treatment of cancer and heart disease, which alone account for 2/3 of deaths, have seen a decline in overall mortality. Similarly, infant mortality and smoking mortality have also decreased. The speed with which the system responds to emergencies has saved us more lives than in the past. Tuscany represents excellence in immunization coverage. This was also influenced by the meningococcal C campaign following the cases that took place on the territory in 2015 and 2016. Regarding the services and services that the health system must provide to the citizens, Tuscany is at the top of the ranking of regions.
"Our health system is a system that works, despite all the difficulties of a major reform like the one we have done – says Commissioner Saccardi – It's the data that speaks: the data that emerge from the report, all the indicators considered for its realization, they speak of a health that works well.Tuscans live longer, have healthier lifestyles, more chances of survival
Thanks to the projection more lives are saved than in the past, vaccinations have increased; youth embarrbadment and dropping out improve; and poverty data are also decreasing. Of course, there is
weak points we are working on and improvements on, but our system is in good health. "

Irma Annaloro

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