Thirteen years of dengue fever – Region


PADUA. First case of dengue in Uls 6 Euganea. It has been registered in Campodoro (Padova province) where mbadive disinfestation is underway. Following the report of the Padua Hospital, Mayor Mbadimo Ramina signed yesterday morning an order setting out mandatory precautionary measures to be implemented, provided for by the protocol, to avoid the risk, even residual, of contagion.

Having been struck by the disease transmitted by mosquito bites, she was 30 years old on her return from a trip to Myanmar, Southeast Asia, and had felt fever and pain muscle for several days. Following medical tests, the disease has been found that can be fatal and is still quite rare in Italy, but widespread in Asian countries. That of Campodoro is the first case recorded this year in Padua City Council and the third in Veneto after Treviso and Verona. The woman, isolated but without danger of death, began to get sick a few days ago

with headaches, fever and muscle aches. Seeing that the symptoms did not pbad, she turned to the health centers where, following the investigations, she was diagnosed with dengue fever and prophylaxis began. –


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