"Three Identical Strangers", the story of the social experiment on the twins becomes a documentary


Three twins, separated at birth for a sociological experiment, are the protagonists of Three Identical Strangers a documentary by Tim Wardle, which has been on display in America since June 29th. The incredible story begins in the autumn of 1980, in New York, when the three brothers are reunited by fate. In Sullivan County Community College Robert Shafran, a boy with a particularly high IQ (of 148), and considerable physical prowess, finds himself as a roommate Michael Domitz. It's him who tells him why everyone in college calls him Eddy: the total resemblance of his somatic features with those of Eddy Galland, student up to the year former. And it's always while talking to Michael that Robert discovers that Eddy was born on July 12, 1961 in Long Island and that he was badigned to an adoptive family. A strange coincidence: it's his own personal data.

Messosi in search of the truth about his origins, Robert then decides to know the boy. At a famous meeting of all local newspapers, Robert and Eddy discover that they are twins and have been the subject of a study conducted by the agency Louise Wise Services . The case is becoming so popular that a Queens woman, adoptive mother of the third twin, David Kellman, reads the article that talks about boys and sees some similarity of the two with his son. The three meet each other and, thanks to the activity of New York journalist Lawrence Wright, reconstruct their incredible story.

The three twins discover that they were born in a quadrigemellate birth, separated from birth for mere experimental reasons. In other words, they were the subject of a study conducted by psychiatrists Peter Neubauer and Viola Bernard on dozens of boys, through ongoing tests on their lives, aimed at understanding the Influence of the social context on the human personality, once a genetic variable. Three families of different social backgrounds were chosen to be entrusted to the twins: Robert was entrusted to a wealthy family in Scarsdale, Eddy to a middle clbad couple on Long Island, David to two humble workers in Queens. The discovery of having lived, up to that moment, a "planned" existence and framed from the outside, however, has had dramatic consequences on their internal equilibrium. On one of them in particular, Eddy, who was already suffering from depression, was abducted in 1995.

For this reason, the adoption agency was continued but denies having been complicit in the study. Neither the psychiatrist Neubauer has ever acknowledged his mistakes, continuing to justify the validity of his experience until his death, which occurred in 2008. To know the results of this experiment, we will have to wait until 2066. The date to which the two surviving twins should have their centennial exceeded for five years

ANGELA WEISS via Getty Images

David Kellman and his brother Robert & # 39; Bobby & # 39; Shafran with documentary director Tim Wardle

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