Tina Cipollari, Kiko Nalli empties the bag on the threads and Myr Garrido


  Tina Cipollari and her husband

Kiko Nalli talks about her relationship with Tina Cipollari: "It will always be an important part of my life"

Kiko Nalli returns to talk about the relationship with Tina Cipollari also referring to her sons and her new girlfriend, Myr Garrido. Interviewed by the weekly "Nuovo", also mentioned by "Gossip blog", the famous hairdresser comments on the love story that he had with the columnist Men and Women. " The one between me and Tina – he says – was a true love and, when we were together, we always respected ". Then, he adds: " For me it is untouchable and I will always be ready to defend it! Tina will always be an important and unforgettable part of my life ". A peaceful relationship, the one between the two, even after the break officially confirmed. " If today we agree – explains Chicco – l or we owe to the example of our families, formed by humble people and great values, who n & # 39; They do not belong to the world of television but to the real world that has helped us to cope with the separation with the right approach ".

Tina Cipollari, Kiko Nalli: "Whenever I look at our children, I will see in them a part of it"

A relationship of respect, which is still today between Tina Cipollari and Kiko Nalli also related to the respect of sons . Interviewed by Chicco, the gossip magazine, who knows hairdresser 2.0: " We gave birth to three wonderful creatures and formed a beautiful family, so it would be stupid to ruin everything by hurting our children " Among other things, in children the popular" wizard of hairstyles "also says to revise their mother and, this seems a good way to maintain the level of collaboration between the two.

Myr Garrido fans of Tina di Cipollari: the revelation of Kiko Nalli

Meanwhile, Kiko Nalli sentimentally related to Myr Garrido his new girlfriend . entry ", at least for fans of" bursting "couple of men and women, who also has a good relationship with Tina Cipollari :" She is a great fan of her, she admires the strength of the spirit and at the todérision "says Kiko.

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