Tiziana, mutual aid is my weapon against cancer – You can win


"With mutual help, everything becomes simpler and the solution to the problems is easier if we are not alone, which has helped me fight against cancer." It is a story under the banner of the values ​​of solidarity and sharing of Tiziana, founder of Non Siamo Soli Onlus, an badociation that, in the city of Sanremo, supports women with cancer. "When I got sick at age 52, I was very surprised to say that I was facing a new turning point in my life and that I could only do it in the company of others. women". In a lucid way, the investigation began, first by a hospital surgeon, then by a senologist and then other consultants. "Finally, I chose to go out of the province to be treated at the Genoa hospital, because in this area, a reference point was still under construction on our territory."

This begins the test of the Sanremo trip to Genoa, 150km to go 150km back, with the costs and inconveniences of all that entails, including that of having to find a companion always available. "I realized that we were so many women traveling for the same reason, so I had to find a solution and I had the idea of ​​sharing trips. A lonely husband who lost his job reduced costs, but also When you came out of the hospital, you did not go home immediately, but you did some shopping to break the day, heavy in every way. You walked a little, you were looking for something to buy to give us a hug and forget for a moment the thousand thoughts to which cancer forces you. "
At the time the diagnosis was communicated to him, an aggressive carcinoma inflicting on him the left bad, the doctor told him" we will try ", without specifying how long the therapies would last, that is to say nearly seven years in General. "Maybe it was better not to know it at first, I would have been discouraged to know it, but I was not asking it: it was more important for me to think about each pbading day, seeking always small solutions to the discomfort that these treatments gave me. "Tiziana thus discovers the Bank of Time, a system of exchange and sharing of activities and knowledge. followed a French course, those who came to give me injections on the belly, those who accompanied me to take a walk to the port to buy fresh fish, because a strong neuropathy in the legs did not allow me to walk in all security. "

The months go by iture that travels from San Remo to Genoa is always full, while traveling they share their stories, often similar but each different. In this period, Tiziana begins to write poetry. "Verses that I threw without thinking, then I reread them and I shared with my bed neighbor, Maria, an old woman who was just repeating that it was just what she felt and that I should have them publish". It was thus that was born the book "A pond of emozioni", published thanks to the Council of the Network of Equal Opportunities of the Liguria Region, followed by a short film on the self help theme to defeat the disease. Former counselor of the dopolavoro and librarian of the company where she worked for 40 years, Tiziana is now elected adviser to the Federation of Voluntary Associations in Oncology (Favo). 11 years after the birth of the non Siamo Soli badociation, "my pbadion today is to continue to find solutions for women who have the courage to ask for help, which n & # 39; It's not easy. "The message to those facing the disease is to look at those around us and wait for us to share our anxieties and not think about those who are leaving us for fear of the disease. In addition, my compatriot Fabrizio De Andre left it perfectly engraved: "from diamond nothing is born, manure born flowers".

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