Today is World Kiss Day, send us your photo to celebrate it together


For World Kiss Day, send a snapshot via Twitter with the hashtag # tgcom24giornatadelbacio

World Kiss Day (or World Water Day kiss ) was created in 1990 in Great Britain and since then is celebrated almost everywhere in the world. Of course, everyone is free to kiss their own way, so much so that in different parts of the planet we kiss each other in a different way. If in the Western world the effusion is exchanged by placing the lips on the face of the person, or on the lips if we want to express a more intimate and pbadionate gesture, in a lot of Eurasian countries we kiss the other the tip of the nose, or the nose and the lips

The origin of the kiss probably dates back to an act of worship reserved for the deities to promote benevolence. From there he turned into a gesture of devotion of the vanquished to the conqueror and servant of his lord. From this gesture of adoration was developed the Christian kiss, a gesture of fraternity and friendship.

The Latins distinguished different types of kisses and each had a different name: for example, the friendly or fraternal kiss, printed on the face, he called " osculum "; but if one kissed her on the mouth, but in sign of affection, the gesture called " basium ", while the love effusion and erotic, proper to lovers and lovers, was called " savium " o " suavium ". Whatever the name we want to define, the kiss is one of the most common and most significant experiences for the human being: the tenderness mothers reserve for their children from the moment of birth the delicacy of the first love experiences. remember the first kiss?), up to the splinters that act as foreplay to the badual act, the kiss is an intense and powerful experience, much more eloquent than a thousand words.

The Kiss also inspired countless generations of artists, as painters, sculptors, poets and musicians: more recently, this tender effusion is at the center of the cinematic scenes that made the # 39; history. Scientists have long argued that kisses often have positive effects on health.

Modulates the hormonal regulation – The kiss has a regulating effect on certain functions of the endocrine system and on the production of certain hormones. In particular, it stimulates hypothalamic axis hypophyso-adrenal, promoting the production of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. Close contact produces a whirlwind of pleasant sensations and a hormonal cascade that causes relaxation and well-being

Strengthens the immune system – Kissing is the cause of a fluid exchange between the two people: bacteria , viruses and fungi that normally inhabit saliva activate immune defenses, strengthening them.

Helps to overcome headache – It is about the action of dopamine and endorphins, produced when one embraces. These substances are natural painkillers, which reduce sensitivity to pain, making it more bearable.

Stress Fights – Tender effusions reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, while contact stimulates the production of oxytocin, the hormone 's. love, which promotes affective, protective and well-being sensations

Reduces cholesterol – Directly related to the previous point: cortisol is a steroid hormone, derived from cholesterol. The reduction of this substance involves the lower need of the liver to produce cholesterol.

Decreases the risk of developing cavities – It will be a bit prosaic, but embracing also has positive effects on oral hygiene. Indeed, the kiss activates the salivary glands: saliva, thanks to the proteins, the electrolytes and the mineral salts that it contains, helps to eliminate the acids responsible for dental erosion.

In short, there are many good reasons to embrace each other. In any case, when we find ourselves in front of the right person, we will surely fight to remind them: we will only think that we are in love and we will throw ourselves into his arms. It's good.

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