Totti, check the sitcom. He and Ilary like Sandra


  Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti. Getty "title =" Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti. Getty "/> </div>
<p title= Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti Getty

In those days he is divided between Trigoria and the sea: after Mykonos with his family and friends in Sabaudia with children, where he leads" Balalaika ". Then they will change, Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi: she with her three children, he toured with Rome.A summer of a lot of work for both, who can not finish here.The historical captain of Giallorossi and his wife, in do, work together on a sitcom project

As anticipated by the weekly "Chi", Francesco and Ilary, they are studying this television project with a production company very close to the presenter. The idea would be to repeat the sketches on the model of "Casa Vianello", in some ways similar to those that, more than fifteen years ago, Totti realizes with some players – including Del Piero and Vieri – taking as basic book of jokes. Aside from a couple appearances on TV, it would be their first job together and the idea does not bother them either. This is not a project that will see light quickly, because in September Ilary will have the Big Brother Vip and Francesco must think about Rome (also published his autobiography, written with Paolo Cond), but with the new year could see the light. With all probability on Mediaset.

Chiara Zucchelli

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