Tour de France 2018 – Stage 9 Preview


No stage of the first week of the Tour de France has as much nervousness as step 9. The reason? Nearly 22K pavement (cobblestones) divided into 15 sectors, including some of the most nasty paved roads that the region has to offer. Recent tours presented pavement but never as much and never as late in the race

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The pavement begins 47.5K in the scene, with sectors 15 and 14 (they are numbered in descending order) both before the Intermediate Sprint of the day. A narrow entry into the first sector means that splits – or collisions – could occur early.

But these are just appetizers. The real race begins once the peloton reaches Marchiennes, the last town before the areas get longer, harder, and more frequent. For example, sectors 12-9 follow one another quickly, offering 8.5K pavement in less than 20K. Expect to force a major selection of the scene, with teams fighting to keep leaders in the forefront and avoid trouble. Sectors 4, 3 and 2 are also pretty odious

Fortunately for runners, the weather will not be a problem. Forecasts predict sunny skies and dry roads, which means a dusty day for the pack. Only light winds are expected, so headwinds should not be a problem as runners are approaching the finish in Roubaix.

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Riders to Watch

Wait two races to emerge: step, and race to win the most (or lose the least) among global contenders. The first will be challenged by veterans of Clbadics as Paris-Roubaix: Peter Sagan, the global leader Greg Van Avermaet, and Niki Terpstra. The dark horses include Jasper Stuyven and Yves Lampaert.

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Step 9 will favor runners like Peter Sagan, who won Paris-Roubaix this year


For contenders at the GC, Sunday is a matter of survival. Rolling on the pavement is as mental as physical, which is why several Tour stars have rolled some spring clbadics earlier this season to get a taste of what was to follow. Among them, Vincenzo Nibali (who crashed the pavement en route to win the 2014 Tour) and Alejandro Valverde (who almost won a semi-clbadic paved earlier this year) seem most at home on the stones. While everyone loves Chris Froome's maneuverability skills, he did a good job on the pavement during the 2015 Tour.

The Biggest Problems Could Happen for Teams with a GC and a favorite. Van Avermaet, for example, will he sacrifice his yellow jersey to the shepherd Richie Porte through the final? Will Sagan ride for Rafal Majka?

Flat tires and mechanics are also a major problem, as it may take some time for team cars to reach riders on narrow, paved roads. The order of caravans is determined according to the general clbadification, so BMC, Sky and Quick-Step Floors have the first three cars online – and the benefit that goes with them.

When tuning

Even before France made progress to the World Cup final, this stage was to end early. So you have the choice: either get up early and watch the live stage (it should touch sector 12 around 8:30 am), adjust your DVR, take a tour, and enjoy the scene with cold Belgian beer more late afternoon.

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