Travel and exotic holidays in sight? How to defend against malaria before leaving


of Paola Treppo

PORDENONE – In Pordenone Regional Coordination Fvg for laboratory diagnosis of Malaria ; a prestigious prize for microbiology and virology of spedale di Pordenone directed by Alessandro Camporese

"The choice bears witness to the overall excellence of our work, especially the diagnosis of malaria in which we have a great experience – says Camporese -. For years, Paola Stano who works with us, has gained much experience in this diagnosis, developing a series of second-level tests that other laboratories do not realize, such as the search of plasmodio with the possibility of distinguishing one plasmodium from the other with molecular techniques, the possibility of evaluating the resistance to antimalarial drugs, and other diagnostic elements that the other laboratories in the region do not have ".

The number of cases of malaria
"The number of cases of malaria is not very high. When a malaria screening test is required, it means that there are symptomatic patients, so the test positivity is plus or minus 40-50%, compared to the results obtained. It is almost always Italian patients returning from trips to endemic areas or foreign patients working here and after visiting families at certain times of the year, such as in season l '. summer, they think that they are immunized against malaria, do not submit to prophylaxis a fundamental element for all when we go to critical areas, and then return, however, to malaria. The requirements for malaria tests are a little over 200 per year . "

Travel Time: Antimalarial Prophylaxis
" Prophylaxis is necessary when traveling in certain countries: the disease is prevalent in the world and the countries in which it is present are posted on specific websites. Even general practitioners are informed. When prophylaxis is needed, it must be done in a timely manner and be careful not to interrupt it on return, at least for a week, to be sure that even the latest pests eventually acquired are eliminated. "

" Fortunately, we have infectious diseases to Trieste, Udine and Pordenone with infectiologists who have great experience in this area. When the disease is diagnosed, from a therapeutic point of view, there are no problems, because at least for our region, we are certainly optimally covered. "


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