Tropical Diseases, Capital of Excellence of Negrar – Negrar


After a four-year process and a system of synergies developed with the University and Department of Infectious Diseases of the hospital, the Sacred Heart Don Calabria was recognized by the Ministry of Health as that institute of hospitalization and scientific care (Irccs). Excellence is recognized in the treatment of infectious and tropical diseases. Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin's (former) minister's decree, which sealed the march, is dated May 23.
The Center of Excellence in Health is the third Irccs of Veneto, after the Iov of Padua for Oncology and the San Camillo of Venice Lido in the field of neuroscience; the fiftieth in the whole country. Yesterday morning, the presentation of the milestone reached, after years of work and a history that characterizes the Negrarian Hospital for translational research – with laboratory discoveries that have had immediate applications – clinical and epidemiological, focused on "poverty-related diseases". on neglected diseases, because they concern poor populations in emerging countries. A segment that is now becoming topical in light of the migratory flows and the increase of the movements, for the tourism or the work, of the Italians in the tropical zones.
Brother Gedovar Nazzari, President of the Sacred Heart, recalls the origin of the Center for Tropical Diseases (CMT), founded at the initiative of Medici with Africa-CUAMM and Ummi (Italian Missionary Union of Medicine) for give an answer to the volunteers who have returned sick from mission lands. Among the founders also professors Giorgio Zanotto, Giorgio De Sandre and lawyer Giambattista Rossi, also protagonists of the birth of the university.
"To do good with quality has always been the mission of our founder, who has privileged care and attention to the weak," he says. After thirty years exactly from the ideal laying of the first stone by Pope John Paul II, recognition.
"An excellence that the Region has always believed in – says Regional Health Advisor Luca Coletto – accompanying every step with the ministry.The formal objective is essential to attract funding and further strengthen the national and international reputation of the Unit that has long been the reference center of Veneto. "The skills of this team are valuable at the time of globalization and migratory movements.
There are now about 50 professionals, including doctors and biologists, who are conducting research in Verona in this area. "We must thank the Region for understanding our function and always support us: otherwise it would not have been possible to experiment in an area that was not supported by public health," admits the director. General Private Scaliger Private Hospital, Mario Piccinini.
"Important – adds Coletto – also the strong synergy that has developed with the local university and which will have to evolve". The commissioner refers to the agreement signed between the Sacred Heart and the local university.
The director of the complex operational unit of infectious and tropical diseases, Zeno Bisoffi became badociate professor in the chair of infectious diseases for Professor Ercole Concia. "We are working on the clinical and pedagogical integration: since last year, the specialization students of our courses work in the Bisoffi unit.Nobody in Italy is strong on everything but we in the team, we are able to offer a 360-degree response to all infectious diseases, "says Concia, who spoke at the presentation of the Ircs with Andrea Lupo. and Professor Alfredo Guglielmi, Ordinary of the Department of Surgical Sciences. •

Valeria Zanetti

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