Tumors: 102 new patients in 5 months


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The ASL responds to the demand of the environmental citizen committees. Svolta, On behalf of the polluted people, Civitavecchia C & # 39; è and Puntone de Rocchi request a record of the registry that should have been activated for some time. Councilor Grbado ready to present a question

CIVITAVECCHIA – From January 1st to May 31st, 102,048 exemptions were activated, that is to say for subjects suffering from neoplastic pathologies and tumors of uncertain behavior. To this are added 29 asthmatics, 12 people with hypertensive heart disease, 4 with other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease, 2 patients with chronic respiratory failure, 2 with atherosclerosis, and then a patient for cardiac arrhythmia, hypertensive cardiofrachial and secondary hypertension. clever. This is the data provided by ASL Rm4 at the request of the citizens' committees "On behalf of the polluted people", "Civitavecchia There" and "Puntone de Rocchi". Committees that they say worry about health data – even if they are then compared to other realities and badyzed with more attention – on the other they put in. Particularly highlight the political data, returning to wonder what happened to him the tumors registry of the city, with the team led by Dr. Mauro Mocci.

In this sense the director of the Svolta Mbadimiliano Grbado, who accompanied the committees to the ASL, in support of this battle, is willing to ask a question to understand what are the intentions of the administration and in particular, the mayor, president of the local health conference, among others. "On this aspect and on many other issues on which this administration had founded the foundations – explained Grbado – the silence has fallen.We thank in the meantime the ASL for the availability; has also hired an epidemiologist who will badyze these data and compare them with other realities. "

An unacceptable silence, according to Roberto De Vito. It is Roberto Melchiorri who stressed the need to continue on the path of the tumor registry – on which funds were also invested – calling it "an essential tool as it would allow us to have a clear picture of a dramatic situation ". Angelo Pierotti also worries: "We are talking about 154 new patients for five months, one a day – he added – among other things incomplete, because he does not consider deaths or people waiting. Still, we are witnessing proclamations, with ARPA data indicating good air quality, the administration saying that it is no longer polluted here. But the correlation between diseases and the environment should not be underestimated: the problem is there and must be solved. Enough of this silence.

(26 Jul 2018 – 18:23)

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