Turin wants to pursue Decathlon


It took a moment of relaxation and relaxation in the waters of the Indian Ocean a nice break to have a good time and motivate the evening show. Instead, diving became a nightmare because of the fault of the diving mask purchased at Decathlon from Grugliasco (Turin). The protagonist of the bad adventure is a musician in the choir of the Teatro Regio di Torino which, last September, was occupied in Oman with a tour. The man, who risked drowning [VIDEO] has now decided to sue the French giant specializing in the sale of sporting goods

The pain in the water

Ranieri Paluselli Fifty-four-year-old timpanist of the Teatro Regio of Turin, on September 14, was in Oman for the first of Aida ; with some friends, in a moment of pause, he decided to practice snorkeling in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

After a few minutes, though. the man had an illness that could have been fatal without the timely intervention of other musicians who had seen him float, still and unconscious, his face turned towards the water.

Raneiri was immersed with the diving mask called "Easybreath" (literally "easy breathing") bought a few days ago in a chain of Decathlon stores. The mask, produced by the Villeneuve-d & # 39; Ascq Company, is used for the practice of snorkeling on the surface by children and adults and is presented as an innovative model that does not compromise visibility and allows to completely close the face, allowing

The tympanist was immediately rescued by colleagues who took him aboard a motor boat and raised him with word-of-mouth and a cardiac mbadage .

Ranieri Paluselli was transported to hospital in critical condition, he did not regain consciousness until the next day

Mediation and possible civil trial

The orchestra, after being reinstated and returned to Italy, badisted by lawyers Renato and Ludovica Ambrosio decide to seek compensation from Decathlon for the serious prejudice suffered. Thursday, July 26, there will be a meeting for mediation and, if it does not give useful results, will start the civil case in court

Paluselli's lawyers pointed out that their client has risked die [VIDEO]: the mask was new, but it was probably defective or not so easy to use (as claimed by the multinational). In addition, lawyers pointed out that there would have been no adequate warnings for those with physical problems. The tympanist, indeed, suffers from scoliosis and the disease has reduced its lung capacity but it has never prevented it from diving.

The Decathlon experts, who badyzed the Easybreath mask used by the musician, replied that it had no defect.

In the coming days we will know if the tympanist of Turin will have the right or not to be compensated.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://torino.corriere.it/cronaca/18_luglio_23/rischia-morire-facendo-snorkeling-colpa-maschera-decathlon-ccd3bb42-8e6b-11e8-a00a-fdaee410bf0b.shtml
  • https: // www .ilmessaggero.it / primopiano / chronicle / mask_decathlon_rischia_annegare_23_luglio_2018-3872810.html

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