Udine for 3 days capital of the fight against cancer


UDINE – Udine becomes the capital of the fight against cancer. The capital hosts the nineteenth stage of the new edition of the Cancer Prevention and Innovation Festival for 3 days. A motorhome, a coach, will be installed from 2 to 4 July in Piazza Duomo, where the onyologists of the AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology) will provide advice and information on prevention, health and safety. Therapeutic Innovation and Advances in Oncology Research

ARE ALSO EXPECTED FOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES IN PIAZZA TO INVOLVE CITIZENS – Each year in the province of Udine, approximately 3,790 new cancer diagnoses ( 2,035 men and 1,755 women per year over the 2008-2010 period). At least a third of diagnoses could be avoided by following a proper lifestyle – explains Gianpiero Fasola, director of the Udine Oncology Department –

REGIONAL DATA – In Friuli Venezia Giulia in 2017, 9,000 new cases of cancer were estimated (4,750 men and 4,250 women); the relative survival of all neoplasms 5 years after diagnosis increased from 54.5% of men and 58.3% of women diagnosed in the years 2000-2004, up to 60.8% for men and 61.8% for men. , 4%% for women diagnosed between 2007-2010. The purpose of the project is twofold: to provide citizens with useful information to anticipate cancer and present the most important scientific progress of those years. The "Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology" helps us better understand what is happening: today, we can do a lot for prevention, follow proper lifestyles and participate in screening. We also have new treatment tools available, which increases the number of people who turn to oncology facilities and, more generally, to the regional health and social services department. These are phenomena that deserve to be followed carefully by the actors of health policy. Cancer is becoming a chronic disease: it is affected by preventive measures but will require a strong commitment in terms of resources also to continue to guarantee everyone the right to take care of the problem. The traveling event, made possible through the support of Bristol-Myers Squibb, reaches 20 cities with events that will last three days.
According to the 2014-2017 surveillance system report, 20.8% of people in Friuli Venezia Giulia are sedentary (33.6% in Italy), 31.3% are overweight (31.7% in Italy) and 10.8% obesity (10.7%). 25.4% of the population are smokers (26% in Italy). The higher risk drinking of alcohol (in terms of quantity or recruitment) is worrying, affecting 28.1% of the population, well above the Italian average (17%). The five most common neoplasms in the Region are those of the colon-rectum (1,400 new cases in 2017), bad (1,250), prostate (950), lung (900) and melanoma (400) [19659002] IL FUMO – Smoking is the main risk factor for cancer – says Lucia Fratino from the CRO's medical oncology department in Aviano and AIOM coordinator Friuli Venezia Giulia -. More than a hundred thousand cancers each year in Italy are due to cigarettes. Figures that recall those of an epidemic. Cigarette smoke causes 85 to 90% of lung tumors, 75% of tumors of the head and neck (especially the larynx and pharynx), 25 to 30% of pancreatic tumors. The impact of blondes is also evident in causing bladder cancer, one of the most common in our region with 50-65% of cases attributable to this dependence between men and 20-30% among men. women. Smoking also increases by 50% the probability of developing a kidney neoplasm and up to 10 times an esophageal neoplasm. Physical activity also plays a fundamental role in primary prevention. It is shown that 20% of all tumors are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Hence the importance of awareness campaigns like this Festival . 61% of residents of Friuli Venezia Giulia (60.8% men and 61.4% women) with cancer are alive five years after diagnosis. This survival figure is considered a success of more and more timely diagnostic skills and more and more effective treatment tools available. In addition to the correct lifestyles, adherence to screening tests is also fundamental in the fight against cancer and in improving survival rates.

SCREENING – According to the 2014-2015 Report Quality and Follow-up of Regional Cancer Screening Programs in Friuli Venezia Giulia in Udine, participation in screening of the population is in line with the regional average in 2015: 57.9% of women residing in the province practiced mammography (60.2%)% Friuli Venezia Giulia), an essential test to identify bad cancer at an early stage, 53.2% adhered to cervical cancer screening program (Pap test) for the early detection of cervical cancer (59.4% Friuli Venezia Giulia) and 60% of citizens have undergone the test for the search for blood Occult occult to identify early colon cancer (60.3% Friuli Venezia Giulia). The commitment of each of us – explains Lucia Fratino – even with events like the Festival, is that these percentages increase .

WE CAN NOT TALK ABOUT INCURABLE In Italy in 2017, just over 369,000 new cancer cases were estimated – highlights Stefania Gori, National President of the United States. AIOM and Director of the Department of Oncology, Sacro Cuore Hospital of the IRCCS Don Calabria – Negrar -. Today, we can no longer speak of incurable harm because alongside traditional weapons (surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy) we have very effective innovative therapies such as targeted molecular therapies and immunotherapy that allow us to find a cure. improve long-term survival with good quality. of life. Thanks to an early diagnosis and new weapons, 60% of patients in Italy manage to overcome the disease. The health system must be capable of meeting the health needs of these citizens, ranging from rehabilitation to return to working life, affections and work . In Udine, during Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology cognitive surveys will be collected and brochures will be distributed to citizens on the main rules of cancer prevention and on new weapons capable of overcoming disease or improve survival significantly. During the three days, inside the motorhome, AIOM oncologists will be available to provide information and advice. Patient badociations, family members and citizens of all ages are invited to participate

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