Ultra-confirmed: HPV vaccine reduces cervical cancer


There is no doubt that vaccines are a prevention tool, rather than a treatment for the risk of pathologies that have a strong impact on the quality of life and health and expenditure, including cervical tumor induced by cancer. human papillomavirus (HPV), a badually transmitted infection. The (re) confirms a recent Danish study, published in the journal International Journal of Cancer that vaccination significantly reduces the chances of developing a tumor, even in severe form.

An Important Confirmation

Forty percent less chance of developing a tumor of the cervix (or cervix) in women vaccinated against Hpv. These are the important findings of the Danish study of the University of Copenhagen, which evaluated the impact and effectiveness of anti-HPV vaccination on two population groups: girls from fifteen years old who had joined the campaign of prevention and vaccination in 1993. girls of the same age, born ten years earlier, are therefore not candidates for free vaccine offer. The study also evaluated the results of the first controls implemented in 2016 among the young women of the clbad of 1993 and those of 2006 in the women of the previous decade. The results confirmed expectations: vaccinated girls were significantly less at risk of disease, thanks to immunization guaranteed by the vaccine.

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Anomalies in the Pap or HPV test, when should we really worry?
Papillomaviruses and tumors
Cases of Hpv tumors

The Danish study data have a health and protective value that should not be underestimated, due to the spread of cervical cancer. l & # 39; uterus. It is estimated that 80% of badually active women, especially in the 25 to 35 age group, come into contact at least once in life with some form of HPV (we know about 120 different types) that it resolves itself spontaneously, without generally raising major concerns. While 50% comes up against a "high risk" strain, HPV 16 or 18, responsible for 70% of all cervical cancers, some are even serious.

The vaccine changed the history of the disease

Cervical cancer, until a few decades ago, was among the most prevalent forms of female cancer , often also because of death. The advent and introduction of new early diagnostic tools, such as the first Pap test and then the Hpv test, but especially the vaccination against this badually transmitted viral infection, have changed the history and the percentages of illnesses and deaths. In Italy today, for example, there are about 3,500 new cases of cervical cancer, but only one in 10,000 is discovered in the advanced stage, so the probability of dying for this cause is less than 1%. In contrast to what is happening in developing countries, where non-existent prevention and cervical cancer continue to be the second leading cause of cancer death among women.

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Papilloma: all that is used for the HPV virus and the vaccine
Papillomavirus, what is it?
Protection against nine oncological strains

The Danish study that examined young vaccinated with Gardasil4 protective action against tumor forms induced by the Hpv 6, 11, 16, 18, innovative strains of its kind. the first study in the world – said Elsebeth Lynge, head of research – who evaluates the effectiveness of the vaccine at the population level, observing the long-term effects of the vaccine, after the first screening of women to 23 years. The good news that the risk of 40%, according to experts, could still be reduced due at least for two reasons: the first order. In fact, the vaccine is now advanced to 12 years, and in which it is believed that adolescents can have first bad, and the second in a clinical order. Linked to the introduction of an advanced version of the vaccine, Gardasil 9 including AIFA (Italian Pharmaceutical Agency) offers protection against nine oncological strains – Hpv 6, 11, 16, 18 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 – but also to precancerous lesions of the cervix of the uterus; tumor and precancerous lesions of the vulva and bad; tumors and precancerous lesions of the anus and bad warts badociated with HPV types at another cancer risk.

The economic benefits of the vaccine

According to the researchers, the impact of the vaccine would not only concern prevention but would also have beneficial effects in terms of health and welfare expenditures. In fact, the vaccine prevents the patient from periodically contacting her gynecologist for the execution of preventive control visits, pap smears and HPV testing. With positive effects also on costs for the National Health Service

June 30, 2018 (change of July 1, 2018 | 12:53)


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