unjustified phobia, has always been present in our homes


The violin spider is an arachnid typical of the Mediterranean fauna [VIDEO] and its presence in Italy has been documented for over 100 years. It has always been present, both in the nature, where the climate is more favorable, and in the houses, where it finds refuge in case of stricter conditions. In the last years the action of the media has sparked the emergence of a completely unjustified fear against this little spider, less lethal than that & # 39; We do not want to believe it.

Loxosceles rufescens: the dreaded violin spider

Loxosceles rufescens The dreaded violin spider, is as toxic as all are known spider-venomous families with only three exceptions include species without venomous glands.

It is a spider originating from the countries of the Mediterranean region and related to most dangerous American cousins ​​ Loxosceles recluse and Loxosceles laeta

The violin is a arachnid of small size. Females do not usually exceed 13 mm and males are even smaller, despite longer legs. Everyone knows that the name "spider violin" derives from the dark spot often present on cephalothorax that the most imaginative one can remember, precisely, from the shape of a violin. L. rufescens is not absolutely aggressive and in case of problem, it tends to move away. It is only in case of threat or threat that it can bite the human being.

The violin spider is usually repaired under the bark of trees or under rocks but it is not uncommon to find it inside our homes especially in wetter areas such as cellars.

During the day he often remains hidden behind skirting boards, paintings, fixtures or between textiles, being a predominantly nocturnal animal and very shy . His presence then pbades, in most cases, completely unnoticed

The effects of the poison of the violin spider

Without doubt the violin spider must be counted among the two gifted Italian species of poison of cause problems of medical importance. The second is Latrodectus tredecimguttatus the Mediterranean widow malignant or black

The bite of the Italian violin spider usually resolves with a redness of the affected area and any subsequent appearance of a small lesion on the skin that barely heals. In less favorable circumstances, the tissue necrosis process may take root and in this case, it is necessary to resort to specific medical treatments. The poison indeed has a cytotoxic action (the cells are damaged) and can act by breaking the tissues around the affected area.

Thanks to medical treatment, the wound heals after a few weeks, but leaves a visible scar. In allergic subjects or in severe cases, one can speak of cutaneous loxosclerosis said that is to say of the presence of extensive ulcers from slow healing circumscribed to the bite area . In the case of extensive lesions, it may be necessary to surgically remove the dead tissue

It is good to keep in mind that the consequences of the sting of L. rufescens are often indistinguishable cutaneous manifestations caused by the action of other arthropods or infections of different type. If you have not seen the spider bite, it is very difficult to be completely sure that the injury was caused by him.

Unnecessary and insane alarmism

As already said, the violin spider has always been part of the Mediterranean fauna and there is no scientific basis that proves its expansion in recent years. There are few bites detected every year and no death can be attributed to him with absolute certainty. There is therefore no reason to worry [VIDEO]. Certainly it is a spider to which one must pay attention but a healthy man bitten by the violin, after medical treatment, runs no danger of life: in the worst case does not will remain that a bad scar.

We must not be alarmed by news like this, for the good of the people and for those poor and shy spiders so demonized:

Eye to #rider violin, https beats boom: //t.co/0ogIJtk5hc pic.twitter.com/KZJh5yixWm

– Adnkronos (@Adnkronos) ] July 17, 2018

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  • https://www.corriere.it/animali/18_aprile_27/ragno-violino-davvero-pericoloso-tutto-quello-che-dovete-sapere-5bf2a738-49da-11e8-a30a-134b88b5afda.shtml?refresh_ce-cp ; https://www.ilmessaggero.it/roma/cronaca/ragno_violino_roma_sud_ricoveri_16_luglio_2018-3860779.html
  • http://www.scienze-naturali.it/ambiente-natura/zoologia/non-sempre-velenoso-e-sinonimo- di-dangerous-than-spiders-Italian-are-really-formidable

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