Unprecedented new scenes will revive Carrie Fisher in the upcoming Star Wars – Shows – Spectacles


The late actress Carrie Fisher will be present in the next film "Star Wars" . For his scenes will be used movies never seen before, recorded for the movie 2015 "Star Wars: The Awakening of the Force". Walt Disney studio .

  Old unpublished scenes will revive Carrie Fisher in the next Star Wars

Also the actor Mark Hamill whose character Luke Skywalker appeared to Die in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi "from last year, will also appear in the upcoming film, which will begin shooting in London on August 1," added Disney in a statement.

Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia, she died suddenly in December 2016 at the age of 60 after suffering a heart attack while she enjoyed a waking career with the last Star Wars "that reunited with Hamill and Harrison Ford.

" The Last Jedi ", Leia should have been the protagonist of the ninth movie in the science fiction series" Star Wars: Episode IX "
"We have desperately loved Carrie Fisher," explained director JJ Abrams, who will direct episode "I X." "Find a really satisfying conclusion to the Skywalker saga without it moved us, we've never had the intention to use another actress or use a computer generated character. With the support and blessing of his daughter Billie, we found a way to honor Carres's legacy and Leia's role in Episode IX using unpublished images that we filmed together. in episode VII, "he added, adding that after the death of Carrie Fisher, the script of the ninth movie was partially reworked.

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