Use hunting insults for photos with rare giraffes killed – Animals


An American pbadionate about hunting proudly published on the web a photo-trophy series of her next to a rare specimen of black giraffe, which she just killed while shooting during a trip to South Africa.
A gesture that, far from procuring him the imperishable glory to which she aspired, brought her a series of insults.
The photos show Tess Thompson Talley, 37, of Kentucky, in the "Veld", the South African savannah, in an unspecified nature reserve, while holding the rifle and partially wrapped by the long neck bent of the Animal, a male of 18 years old. years of the rare variant with black spots on the hair, sagging behind her. "My prayers for fulfilling the dream of a lifetime have been fulfilled today, I saw this rare black giraffe male, I chased him for a good while , I knew it was the right one He was over 18, he weighed 18 quintals and I was lucky to have nine quintals of meat ". With his gesture, Talley said that he had contributed to the "conservation".
The safari in South Africa was done last year but no one noticed the woman's post – who already has several pictures posing next to "hunting trophies" including a stag just spilled – until it was retweeted by a site, Africa Digest, and has since become viral. Immediately drawing criticism and insults from animal rights advocates and environmentalists.
"Assbadin", "savage", "rich spoiled" and "heartless", are some of the epithets addressed to the young American. But the same African Digest is not turned on: "The wild, partially Neanderthal white American comes to Africa and destroys a rare black giraffe, thanks to the stupidity of South Africa".
A similar scandal caused in 2015 the murder of Cecil the Lion, a proud 13-year-old man with red mane who lived in the Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, star of many documentaries and studied at the same time. Oxford University. Poor Cecil was wounded with arrows and shot by a wealthy Minnesota dentist, Walter Palmer, who had himself photographed next to the carcbad. According to media reports, Palmer for his prey had paid $ 50,000.

American wild white who was born in Neanderthal comes to Africa and shot to very rare black giraffes coutrsey of the stupidity of South Africa . She calls Tess Thompson Talley. Please share

– AfricaDigest (@africlandpost) 16 June 2018


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