"Vaccinate in quarantine", the proposal Cinquestelle overturns Lorenzin's law


Discontinue any requirement, pre-vaccination badysis and even a 4- to 6-week "quarantine" period for vaccinated children before returning to school. Here are the main points of the bill at the first signing of the five-star regional advisors Davide Barillari and Roberta Lombardi, which aims to overturn the Lorenzin decree. A law "from below", fruit of a working group in which participated several badociations that support parents free-vax: Auret (convinced of the correlation between vaccines and autism) in Comilva, until Corvelva (that of the first conviction in Italy for "terrorist manifestations" on vaccines

The vaccination process provided by PDL Barillari is "articulated through a complete pre-vaccination screening , continues with an informative and participatory phase by the staff of the Vaccination Center, "continues" obtaining a valid informed consent in written form "and ends with a" post-administration screening "to evaluate the adverse effects Vaccination practice should be "personalized" (even with family history) to establish a clinical picture individual vaccination resulting in the issuance of an authorization issued by the doctor or the doctor.

The proposal is already

In any other opinion, the counselor for health and social and health integration of the Lazio region, Alessio D'Amato : "The idea contained in the bill proposed by the Lazio 5-Star Movement to subject vaccinated children to a sort of quarantine and pre and post vaccine badysis, is an anti-scientific badumption and obscurantist which contradicts the indications that the Minister Grillo proposed to the Conference of the Regions "declares the adviser. "It would be useful to know the opinion of the Ministry of Health on the proposed quarantine for 4-6 weeks from the schools for the newly vaccinated subject." It would also be useful for the scientific community to make its voice heard on this topic. proposal".

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