vaccinating is a responsible gesture •


It will not be necessary to submit, no later than July 10, as provided for by the Immunization Act, the official certification by Ausl proving that the vaccination was carried out. This is the news announced today by the ministers of health and education, Giulia Grillo and Marco Bussetti. For children from 6 to 16 years, the documentation presented for the last school year remains valid (if the child does not need to carry out new vaccinations or reminders) while those from 0 to 6 years is enough declaration of substitution of successful vaccination (or reservation of appointment) which will be valid for one year. The deadline remains July 10, but it will not be conclusive and, to verify false statements, checks will be made. The majority is also working on an ad hoc vaccine bill

" We hope – to comment on some members of the Regional PD including the Rimini Nadia Rossi – There are clear references, procedures and verifications to sanction anyone who should declare forgery.We note – continue – the will of "excessive bureaucracy" and simplify the documentary obligation, but we hope that it is not a maneuver to cancel the obligation of vaccination.Vaccinate is a gesture of responsibility towards children and society "write in a joint note the regional presidents of the Italian Society of Pediatrics and the Italian Society of Neonatology Giacomo Biasucci and Gina Ancora, recalling that in Emilia-Romagna, after the introduction of compulsory vaccination p For enrollment in nests and maternal coverage, immunization coverage has returned to exceed the 95% safety threshold. Recalling what has been established by WHO, the two presidents recall that vaccines are safe and effective, prevent deadly diseases and better immunize natural infections without damaging the immune system. If it were reduced, they say, the vaccination rate, the diseases will reappear as it has already occurred in other countries. " Let us think of babies who can not be vaccinated – they remember – if we do not guarantee them, the so-called immunity of the herd can have serious consequences if not death " Italian National Society of Paediatrics and Italian Society of Neonatalogy in Vaccines

" We still tend to think that if we do not vaccinate our children, we take responsibility for it, and that stops the. But this is not the case: we think of babies who can not be vaccinated because they are immunocompromised or any other absolute contraindication. If we do not guarantee them, the so-called immunity of herds may be subject to serious consequences if it is not fatal. Vaccination is a gesture of responsibility to oneself and to the next ""
In Emilia-Romagna, after the introduction of compulsory vaccination for registration in nests and nurseries, the cover immunization of children has again increased many age groups beyond the 95% safety threshold indicated by the World Health Organization, after steadily declining in recent years "Vaccination is a gesture of responsibility to children and society "
make sure that all children, starting with the weakest and most exposed, are affected by serious illnesses: children who would otherwise be forced to stay at home Inside and not to frequent places and public spaces to avoid risks.
"WHO, that is to say that vaccines are safe and effective because they are rigorously tested before being allowed to use, regularly evaluated and monitored; prevent life-threatening diseases such as diphtheria, mumps, measles, whooping cough; they immunize better than natural infections but are less risky; combined vaccines are therefore safe and produce beneficial effects without damaging the immune system of children, which reduces discomfort; finally, if the vaccination rate goes down, the diseases will reappear as it did in other countries.
With regard to schools, throughout the Region, the compulsory immunization campaign was launched and conducted by health authorities in collaboration with school authorities
Our feeling as pediatricians is that parents have understanding the importance of immunization with a great sense of responsibility and that the positive trend of coverage highlighted last year continues to improve.
Giacomo Biasucci Regional President of the Italian Pediatric Society
Gina Ancora Regional President of the Italian Society of Neonatology

The Directors of the PD Group

We learn the will of the Ministries of Health and of Education to publish a circular the next school year when it is expected the simple self-certification in charge of sin throat families of vaccinations supported by children. We hope that in the same circular, there will be clear references, procedures and controls to regulate and sanction anyone who should declare forgery. We take note of the desire for "over-bureaucracy" and simplify the documentary obligation currently being considered, but we hope that no setback will be put in place from the point of view of preventive health. If that happened, if this provision proved to be only and only a ploy to override the current Lorenzin law's obligation to vaccinate, we would find this initiative totally unacceptable and we will not fail to make it explicit our opposition to each seat. [19659002] Self-certification can only be accepted as a simplification tool and only if it respects the higher principle of protection of public health. We want to avoid that the legitimate desire to simplify the documentary obligation is realized on the skin of our children, ignoring the most basic principles of responsibility. Compulsory vaccinations not only protect the health of healthy children, but also and especially their immunocompromised partners, who can not be vaccinated for health reasons.

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