Vaccination and self-certification At six o'clock in the morning


The bell rang suddenly at six o'clock in the morning. An extended trill and repeated but you know, the Carabinieri, in some situations, do not use half-measures.

Mother and father were in the first night of calm after several days of watching the girl, hit by a tedious measles that had exhausted her for a few days, and even the baby was now sleeping soundly. The strange awakening that usually follows a deep sleep has prevented parents from responding in time to the bell's first call, forcing the army to a new trill. As soon as the door was opened, the father was moved by two men in uniform, while some colleagues, including two women who immediately went to the child's room, entered the house. The note read to him and his wife, meanwhile arrived in the dressing gown, the arrest warrant that had been issued by the magistrate responsible for following the case.

They were accused of falsifying a public act, an attempted murder and an epidemic, having submitted a self-declaration of vaccination for their daughter, enrolled for the first year at the nursery, and never done. In the nest there was a baby born immature and weaker; school staff had confidence in self-certification for the end of clbades, and this child had finished in clbad with their daughter. Two weeks before the little heir began to have fever, red eyes and a runny nose, the pediatrician exchanged measles for a seasonal illness (the child, to his knowledge, had been vaccinated) and the parents brought her to the nest.

The immature child, brought by his parents to the hospital for a violent and virulent febrile attack, was still in intensive care and in a reserved prognosis. Although the doctors were optimistic about the worst event, they were cautious about the sequelae that could have subsisted. Three other children from the same nest, recently vaccinated, were also under observation. No danger, but the infection was nevertheless produced

While they were brought in two different cars to the command for arrest and interrogation, the father and the the mother, dumb, pondered the consequences of their gesture and, almost together They both felt that they should have asked their lawyer to call the Minister of Education, who had promised courses from hospital or home care to immunocompromised children while that child was there, with their beautiful daughter.


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