Vaccine anti Hpv. The drop in coverage is also continuing in 2017. Data from the Ministry of Health


The report on the evolution of vaccination against human papillomavirus has been published. "The 2017 data, relating to the 2005 cohort, show a further decline last year, visible especially for the complete cycle (-3.2%)". "No region reaches 95%". THE REPORT

17 JUL – The Ministry of Health has announced the data as at 31 December 2017 on the national and regional coverage of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the female population birth cohorts 1997-2005 and the male population, limited to birth cohorts 2003-2005. And the numbers are not flattering: "The 2017 data, relative to the 2005 cohort, show a further decline last year, visible especially for the full cycle."

"Anti-HPV vaccination – bed The ministry's website – has been found to be very effective in preventing cervical cancer (cervix) in women, especially if it is practiced before the beginning of the uterus. 39, badual activity, because it induces better protection before any HPV infection. "

Free vaccination for girls and boys
" The HPV vaccination – recalled by Lungotevere Ripa – is offered free of charge and to 12-year-old girls in all Italian regions and autonomous provinces. 2007/2008: Some regions have extended the active vaccination offer to girls from other age groups. Then, three regions (Sicily, Apulia, Molise) introduced, as of 2015, anti-HPV vaccination also for the males of the twelfth year of life and others (Calabria, Liguria, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto) have done for the cohort of 2004 in 2016. In addition, the regions Emilia-Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia also offer the vaccine to individuals, males "

" In the new National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2017- 2019 and in the LEA news, it is specified that free vaccination during the twelfth year is also planned for men, starting from the cohort of 2006. The active offer, however, will be fully operational in 2018. Most some regions provide facilitated payments for other age groups, which are not subject to active calls or recovery activities.

Immunization Coverage Data
– Average HPV vaccination coverage among girls is lower, as expected, in the last cohort (2005), primary target of vaccination intervention, compared to cohorts previous in which it continues the recovery activity.

-The 2017 data for the 2005 cohort show a further decline last year, especially visible for the full cycle. Indeed, in the 2015 data survey, the 2003 cohort had coverage of 66.6% for the first dose and 56.2% for the full cycle; when data for 2016 were collected, the 2004 cohort had coverage of 65.0% for the first dose and 53.1% for the full cycle; In the latest survey of 2017 data, the 2005 cohort showed coverage of 64.3% for the first dose and 49.9% for the full cycle.

– In detail, data on the oldest cohorts (1997-2001), for which vaccine supply is kept free in almost all regions up to the eighteenth year, is are at 73-76% coverage for at least one dose of vaccine and 69-72% for a complete cycle; about 4% of the girls in each cohort started but did not complete the vaccination cycle.

-The data show a great variability of immunization coverage (complete cycle) between the Regions / PP.AA. for all cohorts. Targeted interventions would be needed in specific geographical contexts, keeping in mind that HPV vaccination, even if it is not required by law 119/2017, is a high standard of care. essential badistance.

-From the 2002 cohort, there is an increase in coverage compared to the previous year. The percentage increase is progressively higher in the most recent cohorts, up to the 2004 cohort, where + 6% and + 10.3% are observed respectively for the first dose and for the complete cycle. .

-The average immunization coverage for HPV among girls is fair when comparing data with other European countries, but well below the optimal threshold set by the National Vaccine Prevention Plan ( 95%).

-Also at the regional level, no region / PP.AA. reaches 95% in one of the cohorts examined. Coverage for girls is between 35.7 and 79.9% for the 2003 cohort, between 35.4 and 78.9% for the 2004 cohort and between 30.5 and 75.5% for the cohort of 2005

The average vaccination coverage of HPV in boys is very far from the objectives set by the National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2017-2019, which identifies a progressive threshold of 60% for 2017, up to 39% to 95% in 2019. The best vaccination coverage (2004 cohort, complete cycle: Veneto 60.0%, Friuli-Venezia Giulia 52.7%, Puglia 53.2%) is observed in the Regions / PP.AA. who had extended active and free offer to young people even before the 2017-2019 PNPV approval.

-7 Regions / PP.YY. they did not provide immunization coverage against HPV in children, for the cohort (2005) that could be the subject of an active call and free from 2017 and whose call could also be launched in 2018.

17 July 2018
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