Vaccines, AIFA data on reactions: "Not serious in 8 out of 10 cases"


There are more reports of adverse events caused by vaccines, but 80% are "not serious" as in previous years. The Italian pharmaceutical agency AIFA discloses the 2017 pharmacovigilance data, based on reports received from health professionals and citizens. Last year, the law on the obligation to enter the school was approved and probably for this reason, especially after the entry into force, it is to say from the month of August. "Vaccine reports (6,696) account for 16% of total drug and vaccine notifications inserted in 2017 and come mainly from non-medical health staff (57%), followed by physician reports (21.4%). and citizens / patients (13.2%), "they say of AIFA, who after submitting the data for 2014, 2015, 2016, now publishes an annual report.

Fewer adverse reactions to mandatory vaccines
"With the 2017 report, AIFA is continuing the transparency process already underway, providing rigorous data and badysis that once again demonstrates that vaccines are among the safest and most controlled. evaluation of reports – says the general manager, Mario Melazzini – in fact there are no safety issues that could change the benefit / risk ratio of the vaccines used. "According to Melazzini" the reports reviewed relate, in most cases, known reactions, not serious, and in any case included among the possible undesirable effects of the records of each product. "The most frequently described were: fever, local reactions, generalized cutaneous reactions. Agitation, irritability, allergic conditions, vomiting, pain, crying, and headache, usually reported in the product leaflet. Allergic conditions and generalized skin reactions were less common for mandatory vaccines. "The data obviously relate to all vaccines and all ages, so even older people who have had problems, for example, with influenza.

No deaths found
"Reports of suspected adverse reactions considered serious were rare and, in most cases, transient, with complete resolution of the reported event and not related to the vaccination. A reaction is severe in case of hospitalization or clinically significant event, regardless of the consequences for the patient, and the lack of effectiveness of the vaccine.

Aifa also badyzed 10 cases of deaths after vaccination that were reported (in 4 cases, they refer to events occurring in recent years). Eight of them were clbadified as "little reliable "because after the epidemiological survey, it is excluded that vaccination has something to do with deaths. Two are "indeterminate", because key data to express, for example an autopsy.

Influenza data
The AIFA report also contains data on the 2017-2018 influenza season. Serious cases were 744 with 160 deaths. "Ninety percent of deaths (one of which was imported) occurred in people over 25, in 13 cases the deceased had no pre-existing risk and 2 women were pregnant. , on average, aged 60 (0-104), 84% had at least one predisposing risk condition complicating clinical conditions (diabetes, tumors, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, etc.). "

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