Vaccines: bill to abolish bonds, collecting signatures in 1,600 municipalities



  Adnkronos Health

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Adnkronos Health

Vaccines: bill to abolish the obligation, collection of signatures in 1600 municipalities

Written by: Adnkronos Health

Rome, 2 July. (AdnKronos Health) – "A fair month to demonstrate to the policy that we are determined and organized: 1600 Italian municipalities directly covered by the promotion of citizens to collect the forms in August, count them and prepare them, ready to ask at the beginning of September to be listened to by one of the two houses, we will win the freedom of our parents, for the sake of all our children ". The Committee of Freedom of Choice, the union of dozens of Italian entities between badociations, groups of parents or ordinary citizens who are fighting for the freedom of vaccination and against the Lorenzin law's obligation to Recording, write on Facebook. at school. The committee presented the proposed popular initiative law "Suspension of the obligation of vaccination for the age of development". Now, the collection of signatures has begun, which must be at least 50,000 for national laws to be presented to Parliament.
"We had 1600 Italian municipalities directly covered by the promotion of the citizens, a social revolution, we knew that the subject was sensitive, the freedom of choice is a principle that we all consider as a priority – the post continues – but this membership really has The 1,600 Municipalities activated by the promoters and those activated directly by the Promoting Committee can be signed for the popular initiative bill in every municipality of Italy. "
" We can with this action reiterate the need to immediately put an end to the exclusion of our children from schools – explain the promoters – requires that Article 34 of the Constitution be immediately applied to the children's gardens, a question already expressed by the sentences of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court as a priority to everything because it is our priority to resolve re this problem, and on the other hand, the issues we pointed out in the bill, even if they end up in a drawer, must be a basis for a manifesto of vaccine freedom. Concepts such as active pharmacovigilance, precautionary principle, personalization, prevention and freedom are just the starting point. "

  Adnkronos Health

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Adnkronos Health


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