Vaccines, FIMP and FIMMG: "The doctors of the main territory referring to families"



The leadership of pediatricians and family physicians: "We have a direct and confident relationship with all citizens, as well as the governance and education of the people we can to carry out vaccinations directly "


Rome, July 28, 2018 -" The law on vaccination has undoubtedly contributed to the achievement of results in terms of increased immunization coverage during the year Last, and before we plan for a change, it is necessary to accurately verify the effective coverage levels in our country, both current and future, and it is therefore necessary that in all regions a computerized vaccination register be activated that allows for a verification. in real time the vaccination course to monitor the situation and implement the necessary interventions.The modification of the law without these minimal organizational objectives have have been made for the control of the system may be inappropriate to continue to ensure an adequate level of protection for children, adolescents and adults ". Paolo Biasci and Silvestro Scotti, respectively national president of the FIMP (Italian Federation of Pediatric Physicians) and national secretary FIMMG (Italian Federation of General Practitioners), declare this.

It is necessary to improve the vaccine supply and to invest more information, the ease of access to vaccination, the elimination of the lists of Waiting, meeting the needs of families, especially if the prospects are those of a legislative change. In order to reach and maintain adequate levels in terms of immunization coverage and thus health security, it will be essential to include immunization in the fiduciary context that links pediatricians and family physicians to Italian citizens. all ages. The Italian vaccine system needs to be modernized and adapted to new needs that take into account public health goals as well as the social and welfare needs of families and their children.

"Vaccines are an excellent prevention tool and even the best weapon against many serious diseases – Biasci and Scotti continue – We can educate and warn families and clbades of people most at risk of contagion that are children and the elderly.In addition, to improve the current vaccination system, coverage levels, and thus increase the safety of all, we are always available to make our contribution to the implementation of vaccinations, as it is already happening in some regions and for some seasonal vaccination campaigns "Finally, and also in this perspective, we welcome the statements of Minister Giulia Grillo in favor of the need to increase public funding of the national health care system. health – to conclude the FIMP President and Secretary of the FIMMG – and to improve family paediatrics and in their role as an irreplaceable social and social reference for families. We hope the words can be conveyed to the facts as soon as possible. We are therefore awaiting new measures along these lines. "

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