Vaccines in Liguria suspended the sanctions for those who do not respect the obligation


We continue to talk about vaccines: between proposals on the brink of surrealism and invitations from experts not to disperse the important fact up here to try to achieve herd immunity wanted by the WHO to protect even the weakest of the population

A few days ago, we told you about a bill of some members of the 5-star Movement of Lazio: no penalty for those who do not vaccinate their children, no exclusion from school, but even a quarantine for those who, on the contrary, are vaccinated with the 12 doses that are now mandatory

To date, because most likely the much-maligned vaccination obligation will be removed: if the Minister of Health has repeatedly tried to calm down the waters, actually, also at the regional level, multiply the initiatives that seem to make a blink of an eye. 39, eye to no vax.

The vice president and donkeys for example, in the context of the steady increase in immunization coverage, which places Liguria among the virtuous regions, has decided to suspend the sanctions for families who do not have to pay. have not yet been in compliance with the obligations According to published data, the June 2018 survey shows, for children born in 2015, a 95.9% coverage (greater than 95% of international standards ) for the primary vaccine (esavalent) and 93.6% for the measles vaccine

Measles increases vaccination coverage by 12% compared to 2014 (babies born in 2012), the year when the historical minimum was reached with a coverage of only 81.5%. In particular, it went from 82.1% in 2016, the year before the Lorenzin law, to 93.6% in June this year.

"The data on immunization coverage are very positive," says "Viale Advisor" with a steady increase for the hexavalent vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae), for which we have exceeded 95% of international standards, both for measles vaccine (which also includes mumps and rubella), we are approaching these standards, having reached the 93.6% threshold. The trend continues to improve: the last badessment of last June reveals a further increase in the number of vaccinations compared to last December. For this reason, faced with the fact that Liguria proves to be a virtuous region, we have decided to suspend the sanctions, pending the new rules established by the Ministry. "

" The data review clearly shows how the trend is growing steadily – still observes the health advisor – according to a trend that we hope to be able to further improve in the coming months. This means that the so-called "Via Ligure" has worked, sending letters and certificates to homes of children and children up to 16 years old and the provision of appointments and progressive visits to outpatient clinics ASL, to simplify life for families and prevent children from not going to school. This result is the result of a considerable organizational effort by the local health authorities and the timely work done by the health workers at our vaccination centers to whom I address my thanks. "

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