Vaccines, in Tuscany upward trend: exceeded the 95% threshold


Increase of all vaccinations in Tuscany in 2017. The Region sent the report on immunization coverage carried out in 2017 to the directorates of all Tuscan health enterprises.

The positive trend concerns all vaccinations, the threshold of 95% set by Lea (essential badistance levels) and the national plan for vaccine prevention is achieved for the hexavalent, even if the results most obvious can be appreciated in measles-mumps-rubella vaccination coverage (mpr), where the regional average at 24 months, it increases by more than 4 points compared to 2016: from 89.38% to 93.51% [19659002] Vaccination coverage against poliomyelitis, considered as an indicator of the hexavalent vaccine, is 95.78%, gaining a + 1.41% compared to 2016.

"This important result stems from the synergy of several factors – commented the regional adviser on the right to health Stefania Saccardi – including the law that introduced stricter measures on the obligation of vaccination in 2017, which encouraged families to more reluctant to think s on their own convictions. Although the positive effects of the bond will be more evident in 2018. Despite this improvement, it is essential not to lower the guard, in order to optimize the efforts made to date. Also because it is necessary to recover older unvaccinated children "

This is the comparison between the immunization coverage achieved in 2017 and 2016: polio: 94.37% in 2016, 95, 78% in 2017, diphtheria: 94.41% in 2016, 95.68% in 2017, tetany: 94.61% in 2016, 95.84% in 2017, whooping cough: 94.41% in 2016, 95.68% in 2017, hepatitis B: 94.09% in 2016, 95.35% in 2017, measles: 89.38% in 2016, 93.51 in 2017, mumps: 89.30% in 2016, 93.42 in 2017 rubella: 89.35% in 2016, 93.47 in 2017, Meningococcus C: 90.66% in 2016, 92.71% in 2017 The rate of varicella coverage has also improved significantly: at 31st December 2017, coverage was 87.08%, or +11.08 over 2016

Measles Outbreak – In 2017, a measles outbreak was reported in Tuscany, as in the rest of Italy: 397 cases, including 59 among health workers.In 2018, the situation has occurred significantly improved: to date, 67 cases have been reported, including 4 among health workers.

Regarding the absence of vaccination against measles, 2,040 children born in 2015 were not vaccinated: the most significant motivations, 417 children started the process of recovery of vaccinations not carried out , 377 expressed informed temporary dissent, 372 were traced / contacted, but not presented, 308 expressed well-informed dissent.

Start of the recovery route for vaccinations not carried out – In Tuscany, the national law on the obligation of vaccinations has had its effect. From June 7 to December 31, 2017, the children and youth who started the unrecognized immunization recovery program in all age groups (0-16 years) were 30,586, of which more than half, 17,050 , in the age 0-6 years

Between June 7 and March 31, 2018, 41,854 children and youth from all age groups (0-16 years) were vaccinated; among these, 20,361 in the 0-6 years age group. Compared to the figures as of December 31, 2017, there was a recovery of 11,268, of which 2,570 in the 0-6 age bracket. From June 7, 2017 to June 21, 2018, "Recovered" in all age groups (0-16 years) was 44,424; of these, 20719 in age group 0-6

Default – As of December 31, 2017 the number of failing children (that is to say who did not do at least one of the compulsory vaccinations) in all the bands was 127,968, of which 15,877 in the age group 0-6 (out of a population of 140,546).

Need clarification: Among the older children, about one-third were in default because they had the fifth dose of polio vaccine (in the age of 18), introduced only recently in the last national immunization plan. In this case, it is not a question of young people who refuse vaccination, but who simply did not have time to take the last dose of polio.

As of March 31, 2018, the number of children failing in all age groups (0-16 years) was 116,700, of which 12,566 in the 0-6 age group. As of June 21, 2018, the number of children and young offenders in all age groups (0-16 years) is 114,130, of which 12,188 in the age group 0-6 years.

Vaccination against envenococcal disease C – As part of the extraordinary vaccination campaign against meningococcus C, launched by Tuscany in April 2015 (and extended until December 2018), it was decided that From April 2015 to December 31, 2017, a total of 934,120 vaccinations were administered, of which: 233,189 in the 11-20 age group, 417,733 band 20-45, 283,198 band over 45 years of age. The meningococcal vaccine coverage rate among those born in 2015, as of December 31, 2017, was good, at 92.71%, with an increase of 2.05% over 2016.

Vaccination against Influenza – Vaccination against influenza is the most effective tool for preventing disease and greatly reducing complications, hospitalizations and deaths. But in recent years, in Tuscany as in the rest of Italy, the coverage rate of influenza vaccination has dropped considerably.

The vaccination coverage rate of the ultra-658 is historically recorded on the 2014-2015 season: 50.6%. During the last season 2017-2018, vaccination coverage was equal to 55.3%: improvement, but still very far from the minimum goal of coverage of 75%. During the 2017-2018 influenza season, 63 serious and complicated influenza cases were reported to the detection system, with 15 deaths.

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