Vaccines, saline coverage but Sicily still below the safety threshold. Registration at school, here's what's changing


Improves immunization coverage throughout Italy Most regions, 11 out of 21, achieve the goal of immunizing at least 95% of newborns with the hexavalent vaccine, that is, one that protects against serious diseases such as polio, diphtheria and tetanus. But coverage at the national level remains slightly below this threshold. Vaccinations against measles increase by more than 4%, but only one region, Lazio, exceeds 95% of immunized babies

Here is the data, updated in December 2017, for the first 6 months after l '. entry into force of the Immunization Act. There is therefore a significant increase for all vaccines, both for those that are mandatory and not. In particular, polio coverage increased by + 1.21% over 2016 and is 94.5% nationally. But half of the regions remain below the safety threshold of 95% of vaccinated, the minimum threshold to protect from the disease even those who can not be vaccinated for reasons of health or age. Traditionally "skeptical" regions such as Bolzano, but also Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Sicily
due to inadequate immunization coverage against measles, were affected in 2017 by a large epidemic of this exanthematous disease. , which can lead to very serious complications. In fact, 2017 has registered 5000 cases of measles in Italy, including 300 among health workers, and 4 deaths.

But according to new data, the first dose of measles vaccine sees an increase in coverage of 4.42% over the previous year, a single region that exceeds 95%, Lazio, and two others that approach, namely Piedmont and Umbria, with 94.7% and 94.5 respectively. Driven by the general increase in compulsory vaccinations, the coverage against non-compulsory vaccinations is increasing nationally, such as that against pneumococcus and meningococcus C, with +2 and + 2.5% respectively

. current immunization requirement for school attendance, there are 10 mandatory vaccinations: anti-oil, anti-diphtheria, anti-tetanus, anti-pertussis, anti-Haemophilus influenzae type B, antimorbillo, antirosol, antiparotite, anti-vole, hepatitis B.

  Giulia Grillo "title =" the Minister of Health Giulia Grillo "width =" 300 "height =" 125 "/>
<p><strong>  VACCINI AND SCHOOL. </strong> The deadline of July 10, 2018 under the current law is to present the official certification attesting vaccination for the new school year. According to the new circular presented by the Ministries of Health and Education, it will be sufficient to submit a self-declaration and the date of July 10 is not "peremptory". </p>
<p>  Here is what changes: </p>
<p>  <strong> – SELF-CERTIFICATION FOR NEW YEAR SCHOOL </strong>: for children from 6 to 16 years old, when it is not a problem. a first school registration, the documentation already presented for the 2017-2018 school year remains valid. If the child does not have to undergo new vaccinations or recalls and for children from 0 to 6 years old and for the first enrollment in schools (minors from 6 to 16 years old), a declaration of substitution of successful vaccination is enough. In some cases, the self-certification that certifies the successful booking at ASL to perform the vaccinations will also be valid. The expiry date of July 10 also for the presentation of the self-certification is not peremptory and, in any case, the non-presentation of the documentation will not result in the date of the expiry date. expiry of schooling. </p>
<p>  <strong> – VACCINE OBLIGATION REMAINS AT THE MOMENT: </strong> Parents who "definitely refuse to vaccinate their children for school attendance would be faced with the penalties currently provided for by the current law on the education of children." obligation of vaccination, and their children would be subject to the exclusion of school attendance, "clarified the coordinator of the new Table of Independent Experts of the Ministry of Health, Vittorio De Micheli. The circular, he said, "has not in any way affected the obligation of vaccination, but the issue of the obligation will be addressed by a parliamentary bill". The circular "aims to simplify procedures for families, not to exasperate minds and give time to Parliament to work" </p>
<p>  <strong> – GRILLO APPLE TO FAMILIES, "DO NOT MAKE FALSE CERTIFICATIONS" </strong> Grillo turned to the families, inviting them in any case not to make false statements of vaccination of their children to go to school. "If there are parents who have legitimate doubts – he said – they turn to us and the ministry for clarification: the way forward is correct information, knowing that vaccines are important and families must be calm "</p>
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