Vaccini, not an activist vax convicted for a manifesto "hoax" – Chronicle


No real news, false data, in other words false news. The publicity campaign against vaccines that took place in Modena last February sparked a vestige of controversy forcing Ausl to intervene with a complaint, it turned out to be a boomerang for a non-vax activist who commissioned a series of posters in the city of Ghirlandina, some of them next to the Policlinico. The "pasionaria" anti vaccini was sentenced to pay a fine of 400 euros, as a result of a fine for an alarm, signed by the magistrate of Modena Paola Losavio.
On the woman's Facebook page immediately appeared a series of insults and mockery messages: "Enjoy your retirement, buffaloes are no longer free".
The huge "incriminated" signs, six meters by three, where the words "Not to speculate on children, we want the truth about the damage of vaccines" stood out, reported erroneous information: "21,658 damaged in the 2014-2016 period according to AIFA data ". To support the advertising campaign, the badociation "Resume the Planet – Movement of Human Resistance", and the committee "Parents of No Emilia Romagna". The data, in fact, was related to the total of suspicious reports and not to the damaged children, so Modena Ausl was forced to publish a press release to reiterate the "no mystifications and anti-scientific propaganda". "Dissemination of such content, which is based on false information – putting the health care society in black and white – capable of unfairly disqualifying citizens in an area of ​​great public health importance, can not to worry about ". The same non-vax, on Facebook, admitted the mistake by saying that they wrote "an inaccuracy". The mess, however, was done. And as a result of a complaint filed by the AUSL, through the intermediary of Professor Vittorio Manes, an attorney badisting the company in this case, the investigations were conducted by the Attorney General Modena Lucia Musti and MP Claudia Ferretti. "This is an important decision as it draws a boundary line – explains Manes – between the right to criticize and the alteration of reality data.In this case, the judge considered that a false news caused an unjustified alarm ". The sentence could be challenged and, given the lack of case law in this regard, it would be a first case. Roberto Burioni, virologist at the forefront of anti-vaccine campaigns, does not hide his satisfaction: "Freedom of speech does not mean being able to shout" there is a bomb "in a crowded stadium – he wrote on his Facebook page –
a judge told cavemen that spreading dangerous lies endangered us with their ignorance and selfishness ".


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