Valentina Vignali and Stefano Laudoni are gone


Valentina Vignali and Stefano Laudoni: it's over

Last November everything seemed over between Valentina Vignali and Stefano Laudoni, then the former basketball player and his boyfriend had returned together. Lately there was talk of crisis and, a few hours ago the "new" arrived

To announce on Instagram that between the two is over for the second time, it was Stefano Laudoni who, in a story, brought out so much poison: " I think that at this point it is just to clarify things for a moment … Miss Vignali m … left before leaving for the Seychelles and also during, since I spent 3000 euros for this trip and the money does not fall from the sky ", wrote in one of the stories on Instagram Laudoni.

The former boyfriend of the basketball player continued to explain what were the reasons the Vignali decided to end their relationship: " Do not trust me, I can not overcoming what was past, you have every reason to make that decision and are free to do what your head tells you . " Laudoni concludes then that he had never been wrong with his ex, that he was wrong but that he always put his face on it and asked the followers to respect the moment.

  Stefano Laudoni stories-2 [19659006] The stories on Instagram by @stefanolaudoni

Valentina Vignali: the replica on Instagram

Valentina Vignali as expected, immediately responded to the stories of the 39; old boyfriend, with a long post questions about what is love, about what love can bring.

" All Happened – always countered by social media Laudoni ho spent the worst moments of my life.It only takes time . "This time between him and Vignali the story seems definitely closed. [19659010] [ad_2]
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