Vanessa Incontrada after the controversy over weight, here are her photos on vacation


2018-07-23, by Eleonora Bitonte

Vanessa Incontrada after the attacks on social media for her fitness shows pictures in costume, happy family vacation.

During the summer of 2017 Vanessa Incontrada was at the center of a controversy concerning his physical form at the presentation of Wind Music Awards performed with Carlo Conti . In fact, on social networks, people immediately commented on the extra pounds on the presenter's body, but it continued to show itself, ignoring unnecessary criticism.

The Incontrada is not new in these attacks. Already during the pregnancy son ​​Isal had been criticized for the weight increase suffering a lot: " I ruined a special moment that I dreamed since I was a girl […] Everyone attacked me for my physical change, when at that time I wanted more protection there, I wanted to be hugged ". Obviously, the expectation of a child is an infinite joy for a woman and a delicate moment for changes in her body, today Vanessa admits to having given too much weight to these comments moved to the And then understood the lesson. [19659005] This summer, he takes a little time for herself and her family and shows on the social photos in costume not caring about any criticism. He is happy with his partner Rossano Laurini and son ​​Isal at Acqua Park Follonica, managed by his partner who is a contractor by profession. Vanessa enjoys the day with her affections between smiles and hugs and happiness in the eyes. In the picture as he comes down slides with the small Isal he writes: "And it is beautiful .. Besitos Amigos". In short, it is clear that the Incontrada overcame the suffering for the critics received and focuses solely on his happiness : the family. After all, weight is only a number, affects are important and Vanessa is surrounded by them. At 37 she is a beautiful and bady mother, she has a happy family and real fans who have always supported her for those who are out of their weight.

  Vanessa Incontrada

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