Velvet Collection: from July 3, on Rai1, the spin-off of Spanish fiction


After the great success of "Velvet", the Spanish series mounted in a fashion department store, July 3, arrives on Rai1, the spin-off of the fiction "Velvet Collection".

The story takes five years after the events of the fourth and final season. We are in 1976, and Ana (Paula Echevarrìa) moved to New York, with her husband and son. From there, both continued to successfully manage the Workshop in Madrid, thanks to the help of their friends and trusted employees. Now, however, the designer is determined to resume the business, and aims to conquer the international market. This is why he returns to Spain, with the intention of opening a new office in Barcelona.

In addition, Ana, to follow the era, intends to launch a line of clothing, made with a new and innovative fabric, velvet, and create a line of boots and miniskirts. To give life to this project, he solicited funding from a rich and charming Catalan banker, Eduardo Godò (Imanol Arias). To convince him to give him the loan, he plans to organize a memorable fashion show

And here are his trusted collaborators, Clara (Marta Itazas), who will play a leading role, with Raul (Asier Etxandia ) and Pedro (Adrian Lastra), widower

This is just a small foretaste of what we will see in fiction, which promises to be full of novelties, twists and romantic intrigues. And, in the middle of a love story, we find a face known and loved by the public. We are talking about Megan Montainer, the Pepa of "Il Segreto", who plays here Elena Pons, a kind and funny woman, who had left Sergio (Fernando Guallar) on the altar, but returns to Barcelona, ​​with the firm intention to recover it.

"My character is very modern.Elena is volcanic, full of ideas, and has a way of dressing colorful and eccentric.And then, I love this series because it combines Winning ingredients, such as fashion and romance, "says Montainer

In the cast, we also find Monica Cruz (Penelope's sister), who plays the role of Carmela Cortes, a flamenco dancer, s & # 39; addressing to the Atelier Velvet, to create the costumes to wear during his shows in Paris.And, he will immediately feel a strong attraction for Raul

"For me, it was an honor to be a part from a fiction with a magical atmosphere, set in the mythical 70's, when fashion was revolutionized. "19659002] In summary, there are all the ingredients for a successful series.

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