Veronica Satti among the competitors? His words


  Great fartello rivals against veronica satti Big Brother Vip: Veronica Satti will be a competitor of reality? Here's what he said

Few months have pbaded since the end of Big Brother led by Barbara of Urso. In this latest edition of the show, among his competitors, Veronica Satti the daughter of Bobby Solo, is distinguished. The public is already waiting for the names of the next Big Brother, this time in the version Vip . Many wondered if Satti would be among the competitors of the house and some even asked the direct interested person who gave an answer that leaves no doubt . "Would you do Big Brother Vip?" asked him on Instagram

Veronica Satti at GF Vip? His words

"The Vip I do not believe but in general a reality that is not a game of reality or a dynamic format" Veronica Satti writes. "I just made the GF 15 and in a reality that we are told so so for now I find it a little" nonsense " a explained Satti. "I have some projects I'm working on, maybe in a few years, who know when I'll have more new experiences to tell if you do not know how much the same things are annoying and recite " still wrote the gieffina.No participation in the new edition of Big Brother Vip, therefore, for Veronica Satti

  veronica satti gf vip

Veronica Satti and the relationship with his father Bobby Solo after the experience in the house of Big Brother

In the house of the GF had entered with a specific purpose: resume relations with his father Bobby Solo [19459007ButaftertherealityVeronicaSattiwillbesuccessful?Gieffinasaidthetwodidnotseeeachothertheydidnothearandevenoverthephone

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