Vespa velutina, attention to the puncture can kill a man: where he is and how he is recognized


The wasp stout velutin can cause death to a man. The question we ask is where she is in Italy and how to recognize her. Introduced in France in 2004 Vespa velutina or as a known Asian hornet has managed to colonize in a short time in other countries including Spain, Portugal and Portugal. Italy. The sting can trigger anaphylactic shock in susceptible individuals and also poses a serious threat to the environment and the economy. Among the so-called alien species introduced by the man from another ecosystem there is the Asian hornet and one of those that causes the most concern in our country. These Asian hornets are aggressive towards humans and their bites in susceptible people can trigger a serious allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock. Unfortunately, it happened to an unfortunate 43-year-old Imperia gardener who was stung three times while he was at work. Bees are their favorite prey while the original place of this hornet is India and China, but also Indochina and Indonesia. These prey have evolved into behaviors to protect themselves from attacks. In fact European bees are completely exposed to voracious predators.

Hard to recognize for an untrained eye because they are similar to European hornets. These Asian hornets have different details that favor the recognition of subspecies spread in Europe and to Vespa velutina nigrithorax known as the Asian hornet with yellow legs or simply the hornet with yellow legs. Indeed, the size of this hornet compared to the European hornet is smaller because it reaches a maximum of 3 cm in length against 5 species known to us. The color of both seems almost the same but there is a bit of difference since the Asian hornet as its name indicates the subspecies is yellow, while the European is basically reddish, the antennas are black except a small part while those of calabrone europe or even they are reddish

These Asian extraterrestrials seen from above also have black head and bad, compared to the reddish brown of the European hornet , the abdomen is dark in the area near the chest and yellow in the terminal, a configuration almost similar to the local species which, however, has a much larger yellow part accompanied by black details. The velvet wasps They spread from France in 2004 when an error was introduced near Bordeaux probably a fertile queen in a vase that gave way to the colonization of France. L in Vespa It reached Spain, Portugal and also our country where the first specimens were identified in 2013. The most affected region for geographical reasons was Liguria where the l 39; insect is widely spread. . Many reports also arrived from Piedmont in the province of Cuneo, while other isolated sightings were also recorded in northern Tuscany

Vespa velutina is a danger to humans, but only the velvet female wasp is equipped with a sting with which it can inject a good amount of poison into the victims. However, in sensitive individuals, it suffices to kill a man with anaphylactic shock due to the good disposition of the body itself. The poison that emits this Vespa is at the very least disruptive to the human immune system, a systemic reaction can lead to a cardiovascular collapse and all this is impressive.

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