Vespa velutina: the puncture can cause anaphylactic shock


vespa velutina is an insect native to Asia (India and China, but also Indochina and Indonesia) but this species has also been present in Italy for some years. It should be considered specia aliena among those introduced by humans in an ecosystem different from that of origin. Such Hymenoptera coming, as said, from Asia are more aggressive towards humans and in the case of more sensitive subjects may cause an allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock [19659002]. Vespa velutina: differences of the European

These wasps are distinguished from common European wasps for the presence of some details. The one widespread in Europe is Vespa velutina nigrithorax known as Asian hornet with yellow legs which can reach a maximum of 3 centimeters in length compared to 5 of the local species. Even the coloration is different: the Asian hornet appears yellow while the European hornet has a tendency to blush. In Italy, the region in which he is most present is Liguria. Wasp velvet also poses a threat to the ecosystem as it prey on bees causing a significant decrease in specimens.

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