Vitamin D: the new guidelines of Italian endocrinologists


A new set of tips on how to avoid vitamin D deficiency . The document was written by the Association of Endocrinologists, and published in the scientific journal Nutrients: within it the new guidelines to avoid contraindications related to the lack of contribution of this vitamin complex. An invitation not to lower the guard despite the good season, with the largest allied exposure of the body

First endocrinologists take stock of the benefits badociated with vitamin D even beyond what is strictly badociated with bone health. Based on the results of recent studies, the absence of this vitamin complex is badociated with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, the appearance of some forms of cancer and some neurological syndromes. However, it is necessary to define the level of vitamin useful to produce appreciable positive effects

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According to the researchers, the optimal level Vitamin D is between 30 and 100 ng / mL, while between 10 and 30 ng / mL we are talking about "inadequacy". Above toxicity levels of 100 ng / mL are achieved, while below 10 ng / mL there is a true state . The values ​​may differ in some cases depending on the laboratory that performed the badyzes. In any case, any badysis that provides values ​​below 20 ng / mL would trigger the definition of "reduced vitamin D values"

According to experts, it is finally advisable to check your vitamin D levels in the fall, to understand if summer, the body was able to set aside the right amounts of this vitamin complex . In case of reduced values, it will be reasonable to hope, conclude the endocrinologists, a possible state of charity towards the end of the winter.

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