Volodymyr, 19: battle (also bureaucratic) against leukemia: 18 thousand euros to recover to save him


Volodymyr waits. From her bed in the hematology department of Sant Orsola Hospital in Bologna, she expects the transfusion to take effect: stabilize blood values, fortify immune defenses, renew the body. Because the mind, well, it does not need it. He, with his 19 years only, to do and give courage to those who fight with him a sometimes absurd battle. Ukrainian origins, an enrollment at the military school at home (the only way to be able to study) and a mother – Tamara – are now part of a Bolognese family (which for her is trying to do the same). impossible) for many years of service as a successful home caregiver, defying fate, borders and bureaucracy, to bring it to Italy. he spent a few months ago, after the phone call that he never wanted to receive. The diagnosis: fulminant leukemia.

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Aspetta, Volodymir. He is waiting for the care he needs . And this for us, for our children, would be charged to the national health system. Not for him. After the first admission of emergency, the account salatissimo: thousands and thousands of euros. Tamara can not afford it. And his "family" Bolognese contacts experts and lawyers, who manage to obtain a "price" proportional to his income: 18 thousand euros. Many of them anyway. And only for the first 45-day hospitalization, considering that the therapeutic route should last at least two years. Meanwhile, the older sister of Volodymyr, a student, not without difficulty and crossing Romania manages to arrive here, there are ten days. He flies to the hospital and undergoes all appropriate examinations: his marrow is compatible with that of his brother.

She will save her life, as long as the bureaucracy gives the green light to the transplant. The cycles of chemotherapy are not enough. And in the meantime, wait, Volodymyr. That the Russian doctor who took it to heart rebadures him. That your body is ready. And that the fundraising launched online gives him a second chance: we are already close to one thousand euros. His "friends" Bolognese had to sign to guarantee the payment of health costs, otherwise a possible hospitalization in case of need will not be possible. And that even Ukraine can not guarantee it in terms of coverage, let alone adequate therapies. Who launched the fundraising on the net, the story of Volodymyr begins like this: "I know, you look at everyone.I can not encourage, I love everyone. love Argentines but I also love Nigerians, Swedes, I love the world, in general, I love people, and I think everyone is fighting his personal battle. If it happens to me to live closely one of these stories, these battles, I just can not get out of it.That's why I try to help them. For everything bigger than I. Very hard. "

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This is the story of a young Ukrainian mother who worked in the service of an Italian family, and his nineteen year old son. What specialists call extremely serious. a story of hope that runs up against reality. A desperate flight to Bologna, the ambulance race and then to the emergency room to avoid the absence of a health card. Fantastic doctors and nurses. Breath after breathing to catch his breath. From the foreign office to the hospital arriving in search of information: "Ingenua I – tells one of the sisters of the Bolognese family that follows Volodymyr and his mother – that I thought to be the mediator between patient and bureaucratic difficulties ", as well as linguistics. "It should be called the collection office, and the figure, in fact, very high." Volodymyr is waiting. And "here we are, among those who are hanging in. In a world that is not globalized: if it were, it would have an equally global health service, if it were not. There was none, he would probably die of deprivation, or in a hospital bed of less than twenty years old. "Meanwhile, Voldymyr continues to wait, but his spare time as much as the generosity that this country will know, perhaps, how to prove

2 July 2018 (modification 2 July 2018 | 11:36)


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