Wait for the lab response? You get directly with a text message – Chronicle


An badytical laboratory (directory)

Arezzo, November 2, 2018 – Patients on oral anticoagulant therapy will be able to receive, at their request, an SMS with their mobile phone indicating the value of the INR (prothrombin time). The service can be requested from November 12 (activation in the week following the request).

"This is a great success for the province of Arezzo, and we are very satisfied with it – says Agostino Ognibene, director of the Laboratory of Analysis – from today, we offer to all citizens who take oral anticoagulant treatment the ability to read their SMS results into your mobile phone We intend to accelerate and facilitate the removal of this type of badysis which, in patients undergoing treatment, approximately 3,000 in our province, must be performed regularly, sometimes every week. "

"Finally, Arezzo adds – commenting Morando Grechi, director of laboratory medicine ASL Toscana south – as is already happening for Grosseto and Siena, will have this important service.We thank the director of the functional area Agostino Ognibene for achieving this important result. "

The activation of the service requires the writing of a consent form, which can be downloaded from the company's website or removed from the CUP when booking the exam and signed . The user who wishes to join the service must return the completed form to the nurse upon withdrawal (withdrawal points).

The value of the INR will be sent directly from the laboratory to the indicated mobile phone number (within one week of the request). The procedure is traceable in all its components and there is no possibility of error in the patient / cell coupling.

Users are invited to call 0575 255241 when the value has not been delivered at 3pm, both to report a non-compliance but also to get the value of the INR not sent via SMS.

If there are changes in the cell phone or if you want to stop the service, you must communicate it to the Cup via the same forms.

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