Walking is good for your health


Free of charge and without contraindications. The "walk" is one of those physical activities that, almost daily, brings thousands of Italians to invade the streets and paths of the beautiful country. Many people, while loving this healthy habit, have however realized that the physical activity in question does not always lead to benefits. A team of scientists has studied the issue and, with a study whose results have been published in the pages of the British Journal of Sports Medicine, have clarified why. Walking is good, but to get good results, you must maintain a precise pace: the practitioner must do at least 100 steps per minute. The study, literally titled " What Speed ​​Is Fast enough? ", took into consideration the most relevant research conducted on hundreds of men and women over 18 years of age and older. with different body mbad indexes. According to the experts, if you want to have clear results, you must have a rate of 130 steps per minute: just over 2 steps per second.

Walking Is Not Enough

"In general, in everyday life, we walk at much lower speeds – explained Professor Roberto Bottinelli, Professor of Sports Medicine at the University. and director of the sports medicine center at the IRCCS Maugeri di Pavia on the pages of La Stampa The indications, like this one, relating to the pace, but also those on the minimum number of steps to be done per day (10,000) are obvious approximations, to adapt to the conditions of each, but which respond to a single strategy: to move.It is easier by introducing lasting changes to one's own habits, by adopting protocols that can be followed by all and activities compatible with everyday life. "

We are the worst in Europe

Practicing physical activity equals an investment in the quality of life present and future. Thanks to sport, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which causes one in five deaths in Europe. Without a doubt the psychological benefits are undoubtedly among the invisible benefits. "When moving, we produce endorphins," recalls Bottinelli. It is clear that to improve one's state of health, it is not enough to take two steps from time to time. The WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week. Despite this, Italians continue to be the most sedentary in Europe. Those who exercise at least two hours a week are only 17%. At the top of the ranking are Finland (54%), Sweden and Denmark (53% each). According to Eurostat data, the European average is 40%

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