"We kill you because you are the" son of ""


Niccolò Bettarini 19 years old, the eldest son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini, is getting better. It was operated in the hands of the Niguarda of Milan after being attacked, at the dawn of July 1, at the exit of a disco in the center. The intervention, said the hospital, was "perfectly successful", lasted about two hours "during which surgeons rebuilt the injured nerve in the upper limb". The recovery time, they add, will be a few months.

The 19-year-old was badaulted, at the exit of Old Fashion (now closed for a month, after the "severe episode of violence"), in the Triennale, by many people trying to defend a friend : "Fortunately the consequences are not serious, Nicholas is recovering quickly, a miracle saw the 11 shots inflicted", Had announced in a press release the presenter and her husband, thanking the law enforcement and first aid.

And from the hospital they had reiterated: "The boy has superficial lesions of the trunk, abdomen and upper limb."


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I fermi
The police, thanks to the many testimonies of Niccolò's friends ("The badailants looked like" On attacked them, I recognized them, three of them looked like drug addicts, they were between 30 and 40 years old, one had blue eyes, "added another, and the From the camera images, they immediately identified the alleged perpetrators.A little less than 24 hours after the attack, four men were arrested on the charge of attempted murder (six others reportedly missing). Two Italian boys and two Albanian citizens, aged between 23 and 30, all having a criminal record.

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According to the prosecutor, Niccolò was badaulted for a specific reason : because he was the son of two famous people. The first contact between the boy's friends and the badailants would have taken place inside the club. Always in the old fashion, a few months before the group would argue over a busy table or not, that's why Bettarini's friend, after meeting them that night, s & # 39; He was excused, offering drinks to everyone. In response, he had been slapped, until the intervention of the bouncers, who had decided to remove these men without calling the police. The four then decided to stay out of the room to wait for the boy's exit. Around 5 am, the new meeting. With the four who start beating the boy again. At that moment Niccolò would intervene to defend his friend. The badailants would have recognized: "We know who you are, you are Bettarini's son, we will kill you." Fists, kicks and at least a dozen stab wounds. Even the 19-year-old girlfriend, who according to the latest reenactments was going to stand in the middle to defend him, would have been affected.

"I can say that it went well, you improved, thank God … you were courageous and I love you and even more", said the presenter via Instagram, after the most important comfort: "This is not in danger of life". These, however, the father's words: "You have always had a sense of protection for everyone, especially for the weakest … Always proud of you.Now, whoever is wrong, pay . "


Niccolò Bettarini," the good blood does not lie "

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