Week of the horoscope from 9 to 15 July 2018



A week a little "moderate, that of the friends of & # 39; Ariete characterized by some difficulty in reconciling personal aspirations with the pbadionate needs of the couple. purpose, however, will solve each problem Singles pay attention to conquest: they can prove troublesome.


Some snags at work will not raise, for the friends of Toro great concern during this week.The merit of a thought was focused more on the couple and on the seduction, although it is necessary to think about the communication: be careful not to pronounce sentences that we could regret


A moment of daily trouble, but not worrying friends of the Gemelli to redraw some of their summer plans , making them more proch In the meantime, an erotic grimace will mean to console oneself with the partner or with a new and pbadionate conquest.


A great desire to make allow the friends of Cancer during this period . week, to undertake unprecedented renovations of the most beloved environment: the house. However, it is necessary to manage the relationship more with others, by being less grumpy and, above all, by not letting emotions take over


Significantly improve communication and intelligence , dear friends of ] Leone two elements that will allow us to solve a recently emerged question of work. The grain is not yet at the usual level, so it is necessary not to be too fierce in the office and with the loved one.


A good romantic urge will allow the friends of the Virgin to live a week cooler than usual. However, it will be necessary to move away from excessively rational or fussy attitudes, avoiding to dispute the following even for futile questions.


You will honor your name, dear friends of Libra during this week: you will demonstrate very balanced choices, as well as trials in judgments about others. The stars advise however to dare, especially on the front of the conquests of heart: do not win the couple without playing the game.


Very concentrated on work and earnings, born under the sign of Scorpion will enjoy this week a little more grain, but also and above all a greater ability of seduction. Intimacy with being loved, however, may require the repair of some equipment that no longer works


You will already feel projected to vacation, dear friends of Sagittarius during this sensual week. It's time to plan a dream trip to forget something of the present, even if finances may not be playing for you: it's better to choose a destination that does not require too much expense.


Despite a great push for rationality and problem-solving, dear friends of Capricorn this week, you may experience mild emotional fatigue, which could lead to a whim. You will console yourself within the couple, with more romantic attitudes than usual.


Definitely not running out of energy this week, dear friends of Aquarius mostly to achieve a long-planned goal. A few sudden misfortunes will not be enough to make working life heavy, but attention to communication with the partner: better avoid misunderstandings.


Beware of missteps in the relationship, dear friends of Pisces since your romance could fluctuate during this week. Instead, dedicate yourself to your hobbies, as well as energetic activities that allow you to resolve tensions and think positively about the future.

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