welcome letter to the public


In the perspective of the forthcoming opening of the Plautus Festival, annual theatrical revue of the Plains Sarsina Arena that brings together the best of national productions, the new Mayor of Sarsina Enrico Cangini and the Director General of Orogel Bruno Piraccini have dedicated a letter to the public that will invade the city of Romagna in the evening of 14 to 21 August. The next edition will be the 58th edition

"It is since 1956 that Sarsina marks the Italian theatrical scene in the name of its Tito Maccio Plauto, champion of the literary comedy and popular: a rendezvous that returns, for the Fifty-eighth time – Saturday, July 14th to Tuesday, August 21st -, with the Festival Plaute 2018. For a poster board with twelve shows: an amazing plautin trilogy (Pseudolus, Miles gloriosus, Aulularia), the champions of the ancient drama : Aeschylus (Orestea), Sophocles (Antigone), Virgil (Eneide), Seneca (Troiane), the traditional incursion into modernity nourished by the clbadics: Pirandello (Il mio Mattia Pascal) and Dürrenmatt (The death of Pizia )

But if you look closely between the text and author links, unravel the intriguing link of mythical and mythopean female figures, functioning as a real red folder of the entire program. 39, is the frame and his collection of samples: women desired and stolen by the young l fanfaroni data (Plauto); mothers and fiancées, victims of grueling wars (Troiane), not believing in their vaticini (Cbadandra), who make fun of the credulity of men (Pizia); women who, betrayed in their dignity and their love, do not hesitate to make extreme gestures, just to denounce a system of values ​​all declined in the masculine (Medea, Didone); women architects and victims of their own destiny, in the eternal struggle between the masculine and the feminine (Orestea); brave girls and sisters who do not abandon themselves to arrogance and the violence of power, placing the primacy of conscience and pietas (Antigone) before the observance of the laws.

A series of ancient and contemporary models and heroines, bearers of original and daring thoughts, immortal materializations that, through the word and the scene, knock on the door of our modernity with the strength of the world. thematic urgency and reflexive beauty. Who can ever forget the Sophoclean Antigone, the conscious heroine of making a "godless impiety" (v. 74) proclaiming the universal value of the eternal laws of the gods ("I did not believe that a man mortal could violate the laws of gods, unwritten and immutable: why not today or yesterday, but still they are in effect ", vv 453-455)

This season, the sarsinate sarsinate submits us, with the playwright-authoritative texts and with the voice of many female characters, pages of wisdom: because, as the singing of the song of Antigone, "the first element of happiness is by far to be wise »(About 1348); and once again offers us the lesson of humanism: since – as Sophocles makes hear the chorus of the first stamens – "the existence of the world is an infinite marvel, but nothing is more marvelous that man "(VV 332-333)

This amounts to an act of faith in poetry and culture. Plautus knew that in the scene IV of Pseudolo (verses 401-404) he had the champion of his servants say: "Like the poet, when he is about to write, he looks for what is nowhere in the world, however, he manages to find it and does what is pure fiction like the truth; so I will do like a poet! But it is also the great sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, who died a year ago, who said that we could come out of the crisis of our time by focusing on a "new humanism".

Clbadical theater has so much to say: it will be enough to listen, for the pleasure of the mind and spirit. Because that is the dynamics of culture. "

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