What is happening to Lonzo Ball now that LeBron James has joined the Los Angeles Lakers?


LeBron James' signature with the Lakers could be a predictable conclusion to "The Decision 3", but in the wave of excitement in Los Angeles, there remains a major question: What is it? who arrives at Lonzo Ball?

The Lakers are in the middle of trying to sign and trade for more talent to build a competitor around LeBron. Whether it is the landing of Kawhi Leonard, the signing of DeMarcus Cousins, or someone else, it is suddenly difficult to know where Ball is enrolled. Can he play with James, or is he one of the most attractive trading chips of the Lakers? with James, but it'll be a little awkward.

The problem is not Ball, it is the fact that he is inevitably linked to his father. Lavar Ball intervenes as much as possible in the careers of his sons. Just last year, LaVar did it publicly with James talking about his children

Lavar followed by saying that he had no bad feelings toward James, but one do not know if this feeling is reciprocal. Obviously James is a pro and he will play with anybody, but why would it be worth the drama to a new Lakers team hoping to play for a championship?

Lonzo Ball remains the most likely commercial chip Lakers [19659007BrandonIngramKyleKuzmaetJoshHartsonttousdejeunesjoueurstalentueuxquiontfaitdegrandsprogrèsen2017-18maisLonzoBallreprésenteunepiècecommercialeattrayantepouruneéquipeàlarecherched'unmeneurdejeu-enparticulierceluiquipourraitfaciliterunéchangeaveclesSpurspourobtenirKawhiLeonardàLosAngeles[19659006] It is not known if & # 39; Spurs coach Gregg Popovich wants the headache that comes with Ball but he would be the kind of player that Popovich could mold. He could potentially form the future Spurs back ground with DeJounte Murray and Lonnie Walker IV, giving the Spurs a succession plan to pbad Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili.

However, the most likely scenario is that Ball becomes the play that brings a third team. Suns, Wizards, Knicks or even Clippers (if he wants to stay in Los Angeles) all need help from the leader and are in positions where they are looking to build around one. young nucleus. Shooting the ball out of Los Angeles would be a thing in itself, and it could be a hiccup too.

He leaves the Lakers in a strange position.

It was not so long ago that Magic Johnson called Ball "the new face of the Lakers." Thirteen months later, the team had a facelift. It is James' team now, and if Leonard joins him in Los Angeles, he will be the second star of the team. Depending on who the Lakers negotiate or sign, Ball could be pushed to the sixth or even the seventh most important member of the Lakers.

This is not a position that Ball wants for his career or his brand. Normally, teams do not care, plugging in players as needed, but unless Ball gets exactly what Lavar Ball wants for then things will get ugly in public.

The last time James was on a team that medaled in the locker room, everything exploded and he still managed to take a toy island unsuitable for the finals of the NBA. It's now on Lonzo Ball to hear with Lakers plans, even though he's no longer the face of the franchise.

If he and Lavar can not handle that on the Lakers, then another team will be more than eager to try.

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