what to eat in case of constipation


  Remedies for hard excrements

Before seeing some remedies to go to the toilet immediately it is important to know that in most cases idiopathic constipation (or primary ), in practice not related to a disease. More rarely this secondary condition: due to the presence of intestinal or neurological diseases or the use of drugs. a very common disorder that tends to increase with age, it ranges from 3-10% in children up to 20-40% in the elderly (subjects over 65 years). There are then special situations: up to 40% of women suffer from constipation during pregnancy (this disorder is especially present in the first trimester of gestation).

Constipation in the newborn may be quite common during weaning, the period of onset of complementary feeding when the first semi-solid foods are introduced and, subsequently, solid foods . In very young children, constipation can not always be attributed to a concrete problem of evacuation. If the production of feces is reduced, this may be due to the fact that there is a very strong absorption of meals, mainly composed of milk, which leads to a reduction of the volume of waste.

To better understand how to fight against constipation one must first know that there are two physiological aspects of our body that help to go to the bathroom:

  • The peristalsis : involuntary movement, so we can not directly control, the digestive tract muscles (intestinal peristalsis);
  • defecation : the phase of evacuation that can be controlled voluntarily, it is a physiological reflex that triggers after the distension of the terminal part of the large intestine (the rectum) .

Thanks to peristalsis, excrement progresses in the intestine, this involuntary movement is activated following the pressure and the nervous response of the digestive tract. As the fecal volume increases, the contractions and the intensity of the thrust increase proportionally. Stool volume is determined by both the presence of water and the amount of slag, residues, and undigested food from the meal. Another factor to not underestimate the intestinal bacterial flora thanks to this there is in fact the production of gas which contributes to increase the intraluminal pressure of the colon.

  Idiopathic and secondary constipation

Often, in case of constipation, there is a mutation in the process of fecal expulsion and an alteration of colonic peristalsis. Before putting into practice the remedies for constipation, especially if you want to resort to laxatives, natural or otherwise, you need to be sure that they are really necessary. According to the guidelines developed in the Consensus Conference on the Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Disorders of the Intestine we can talk about constipation if in at least 25% of cases. discharges, there are two or more of the following characteristics:

  • less than three discharges per week,
  • difficulty and effort during defecation,
  • presence of hard stools, poop balls, fecalomas (a group of faeces, hard and dry, which has a function obstructive) or faecal stools (thin and flattened);
  • feeling of incomplete evacuation;
  • sensation of blockage and / or constipation;
  • need for manual evacuation (eg, evacuation)
  • Rare evacuations without use of laxatives
  • exclusion of diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome

Although It is not possible to define a frequency normal evacuation for some the normality may for example be an evacuation by day and for others instead of. go to body every other day, in the medical field, a diagnosis of constipation is made if at least two of the factors mentioned above persist for a period of 12 weeks. consecutive, in a period of observation of about one year. In some cases, abdominal pain, swelling and meteorism (flatulence and aerophagia) are also added to the aforementioned disorders. In cases where constipation alternates with the onset of diarrheal discharges, further investigation should be carried out as it could be a symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome .

The risk of constipation increases with age and because over the years the diet varies and, usually, older people tend to drink less water (for more 39, information, determine how much water you should drink per day). Then there are other factors badociated with lifestyle, such as sedentary lifestyle, which can compromise intestinal regularity. In most cases, it is not necessary to resort to laxatives (which should always be taken with a medical prescription), an adequate diet, with a sufficient intake of fluids and fiber (useful for increasing the softness and stool volume). in many cases, enough to solve the problem of idiopathic constipation.

Causes of constipation

  Stipsi causa

As an accent, there are two types of chronic constipation: primary and secondary. The causes of primary constipation may be due to impaired bowel movements, sluggish intestinal transit (intestinal peristalsis) or a condition known as irritable bowel syndrome. The majority of cases of secondary constipation are due to certain drugs such as, for example: badgesics, anticholinergics and opioids.

Diuretics, antacids, antiepileptics, antispasmodics, antidepressants and antihistamines are other drugs that can cause difficulty in getting to the body. Some studies have also found a significant badociation between chronic constipation in adults and drugs such as NSAIDs, paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid (better known as aspirin).

In the case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome the cause may be sought in lifestyle, in fact there is a very close relationship with diet and sedentary lifestyle. This condition usually manifests as troublesome abdominal pain, which is relieved after going to the bathroom, and a state of constipation, diarrhea or mixed (alternating between constipation and diarrhea). The problem, on the basis of which there can also be psychological and biological factors, can be solved with an adequate intake of foods rich in fiber and liquids promoting intestinal transit.

Although in most cases of constipation there are no specific conditions, so it is difficult to determine an exact cause, there are certain factors that can significantly increase the risk of constipation:

  • low fiber diet (cereals, fruits and vegetables);
  • inadequate consumption of liquids (we tend to drink too little);
  • we tend to ignore the stimulus by postponing the appointment to the bath
  • ; ] live in an environment where there is little privacy when going to the bathroom,
  • situations of violence, trauma or psychiatric problems
  • pathological situations such as depression and anxiety

Constipation in Children ] can often be caused by a painful experience. If you experience pain during defecation, you can trigger a vicious cycle that can lead to chronic constipation. The child is afraid to go to the bathroom because he does not want to relive that experience, so a psychological block is established that leads to stool retention. In the case of constipation in the newborn no specific factor has been identified at the present time, a lower risk of constipation has been observed in badfed infants compared to those fed with infant formula.

Remedies Against Constipation: Foods and Natural Laxatives

  Causes of Constipation

Remedies for constipation vary depending on the causes that caused the problem, the severity of the symptoms, and the duration. In many cases, the symptoms can be greatly improved by changing the lifestyle and certain eating habits. We recommend that the use of natural laxatives, or drugs, under strict medical supervision, is not misused and that their use is limited in time. When using laxatives, special attention should be given to pregnant women and children.

Laxatives are essentially divided into four groups:

  • faecal softeners : their task is to make the stool softer in order to facilitate evacuation;
  • stimulative laxatives based on senna : they are plant-derived laxatives that act directly on the colonic mucosa decreasing their ability to absorb water from the intestinal lumen, thus increasing the quantity of fluids in the loops with a consequent improvement of the intestinal motility

osmotic laxatives (saline and unsalted type): this clbad of laxatives consisting of substances, ions or molecules, which are poorly absorbed by the intestine and, therefore, recall water (by osmotic action) inside the intestinal lumen increasing the volume of feces;

  • laxatives forming mbad : these are laxatives based on dietary fibers, such as those present in the sound, which act by recalling water and improving peristalsis.
  • A good amount of water in the meal and dietary fiber, combined with the right concentration of physiological bacteria in the intestine, not only helps to have a good fermentation and hydration that contributes to stool volume , but it triggers peristaltic contractions that facilitate the advancement of the mbad and accelerate the transit allowing the filling of the rectal bulb (condition that generates the stimulus to go to the toilet). The three elements to remedy constipation are therefore :

    • l & # 39; water;
    • dietary fiber;
    • intestinal bacterial flora

    If you do not drink enough a good fiber intake may not be enough or even counterproductive. When you often have hard stools, the reason could be a lack of water. In fact, it is essential to dilute, knead and gel feces. Low fluid consumption does not result in a good increase in the volume of feces and hinders the action of intestinal flora, which compromises peristalsis. The advice to get used to drink enough throughout the day and before, during or after physical activity, depending on lost fluids, supplement with 500-1000 ml of additional water. Another advice to consumes at least 1 or 2 glbades of water at each meal .

    Dietary Fiber which represents the edible part of plants, consisting of a group of nondigestible molecules from the human small intestine. When they reach the large intestine, they begin a process of fermentation, in some cases complete and in others partial. There are fibers clbadified as soluble (or viscous) and others as insoluble (non-viscous). All, with different mechanisms, act positively in opposing the problem of constipation.

    Soluble fiber is useful because it produces a viscous gel that helps to increase the volume of feces, while others increase gas production that increases intraluminal pressure. If you want to go quickly to the bathroom the non-viscous fibers are useful they stimulate peristalsis by accelerating the global movement. They also play a role in bacterial fermentation and their prebiotic function enhances the production of vitamins and other substances useful for the body. Although soluble fiber does not increase the rate of transit, it is important because it helps preserve a good fecal mbad.

    I legumes (lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, etc.) are particularly rich in fiber, especially the soluble type (viscose). Whole grains and wheat bran are rich in insoluble (non-viscous) fibers. In practical terms, it is not very useful to focus only on a particular food: cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc., although in different percentages, they contain both types of dietary fiber. To fight and prevent constipation, it is important to consume at least 30g of fiber per day.

      Natural laxatives: Kiwi

    Among the foods that can be considered as " natural laxatives " we find the kiwifruit the reason lies partly in the large amount of fiber contained in them: more than 2 grams per 100. This fruit has an ideal combination of soluble and insoluble fiber which gives it unique properties. Other useful fruits to go to the body are: plums, pears, apples, figs and apricots. Where possible, to maximize the benefits, it is advisable to consume these fruits with the skin. Among the vegetables we recommend the consumption of broccoli, carrots, zucchini, asparagus, artichokes and beets. Not to be underestimated is the laxative power of olive oil, which can be added as a seasoning for salads.

    "Laxative" foods fighting constipation

    • cereals and wholesalers,
    • legumes
    • broccoli, spinach, artichokes, cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, etc.,
    • kiwifruit, apples, pears, figs, plums, raspberries, currants, blueberries, avocados, etc.

    Foods contraindicated in case of constipation

    • over-processed foods;
    • refined foods;
    • Dried foods.

    If you have problems going to the bathroom, avoid eating foods such as: crackers, breadsticks, sausages, dried meat, salted meat, banana, citrus juices (but no alcohol). whole citrus), fried, etc. Particular attention should also be paid to alcoholic beverages, alcohol promotes dehydration of the body, a condition that aggravates the problem of constipation. If you are unable to manage your body regularly, you could also be in some weight loss diets . Some are indeed harmful to the intestines and can promote the appearance of constipation due, for example, to the drastic reduction of fiber and an increase in protein.

    Remedies for constipation

    • include in the diet, at breakfast or at tea time, a portion of milk or yogurt,
    • consumes at least one portion of vegetables, cooked or raw, for lunch and dinner; if possible with peel, 2 or 3 medium sized fruits (a kiwi in the morning when fasting can work miracles);
    • insert a plate of broth, a vegetable soup or a past
    • into the dinner. Consume legumes at least twice a week (if you suffer from meteorism you can opt for centrifugation or past),
    • alternates refined cereals (pasta, bread and rice) with whole grain cereals,
    • reducing the consumption of French fries, fermented cheeses and animal fats,
    • avoid the consumption of alcohol, [19659013] tries to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

    Another aspect of food does not neglect the fat intake which should not be less than 30 percent of total calories. Although the lubrication of the bowel and stool is done in part through the physiological mucosal secretion along the walls of the digestive tract, often insufficient to reduce the attraction between the fecal mbad and the epithelium . Lipids, molecules contained in certain foods, can be of great help because they have the same physical characteristics. As mucus does, adequate levels can be used to lubricate the walls of the intestine and feces. If you can not go to the toilet regularly, the problem can sometimes be a low fat intake. The increase in lipids can also facilitate evacuation as it improves lubrication and constipation.

    Constipation can also be fought with an abundant breakfast consisting of solid and liquid foods. You should never skip breakfast, especially if you suffer from chronic constipation.

    We must not neglect intestinal bacterial flora which, in addition to preserving the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, promotes nutritional treatment and the production of useful molecules in the body. Although largely genetically determined, it can be influenced by drugs, lifestyle and nutrition. In some people, it may be helpful to increase their trophism by taking probiotics and / or prebiotics (non-digestible organic substances that make up dietary fiber). As for probiotics, they can be found in the form of supplements, dietary foods and medications. Probiotics taken in food form might be ineffective in preventing constipation because they suffer from the action of gastric juices that eliminate most living bacteria. If taken in other forms (eg supplements), especially away from meals, the density of the intestinal bacterial flora increases with considerable benefits for intestinal regularity.

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