"When we baptize Leo, on February 30. This is never". And the controversy breaks out


The first of September Chiara Ferragni and Fedez will become husband and wife in Noto, Sicily, and while the young couple is preparing for a storm.

The reason? The decision of both parents of Leone not to baptize the baby. And everything was communicated to the couple's fans the day Leone "finished" four months. Among the videos, photos and stories of Instagram, Fedez and Chiara Ferragni have consistently shown their audience this festive day. And of course, the most curious questions could not be missed. "Give us more information about marriage", "Because you always show Leo's face on the pictures", "When you baptize your child", here are some of the questions that pushed Fedez to land the phone. On the "I".

So, first of all, the rapper clearly told us that "we simply decided to publish pictures of our family without pixelating Leo's face because it would not have made sense given our media exposure, it is a questionable choice or less to which a newborn has to adapt, not wanting to show his preferences. "And after clarifying this point, Fedez will launch in a question that has earned him a sea of ​​controversy: the question of baptism "We will baptize Leo on February 30th, it is never, if I believe in God … No, tell him Leo my mother and I do not get married at the church, tell him, "he says in a story on Instagram

the nose to fans who have not appreciated the decision of the two parents and a real controversy appeared on the web.

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