Who is Perla Tiziana, a Salvini fan who blocks everyone on Twitter?


  Who is Perla Tiziana, the Salvini fan who blocks everything on Twitter? Perla Tiziana: the new social affair

A few hours on Twitter among the leading Twitter trends are the hashtag #PerlaTiziana . But who is the woman in question? Perla Tiziana ( @perlatiziana on Twitter ) is a fan of Salvini who blocks everyone on his profile. " I read, write, paint, travel, few friends but good! reads in legend in his story. Its cover image represents the meeting of the Lega Nord in Pontida. The woman in question, indeed, became famous thanks to a brilliant tweet in defense of the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini . A message that triggered the user's irony, in order to push the same Tiziana to block all . The blocked then began to tweet about #perlatiziana and its preventative blockage and so the hashtag became one of the most popular of the day

Pearl Tiziana: comments on the web

Really a lot of comments ironic appeared on the popular social network: "I do not know if to be more disappointed that the #Francia is in the final or because #perlatiziana did not stuck and I feel excluded "," That moment when you realize that instead of blocking all the Italian accounts of Twitter you could more simply suppress yourself "," Someone else may he ask #Perlatiziana if he can block France tonight? #FranciaBelgio "," But it is normal that we are stuck by this #perlatiziana and we have no idea who is who ** or is? "," Let's make it short, there is someone who is not stuck by #PerlaTiziana confess immediately and will be forgiven ".

Perla Tiziana: the reaction of VIPs

In reality, even some personalities of the entertainment world could not stop commenting on the actions of this user. Among them also Simona Ventura who candidly asked his followers: " Who is this ??? #perlatiziana ." A dilemma that will last a long time, given that now the profile of Tiziana is private, even those who have not been stranded can no longer read the girl's tweets. And if it was just a troll? The time – maybe – we will give the answer …

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